Senior receives recognition for community service


Alan Soetikno (12) makes a speech about his experience with community service during this Tuesday’s school meeting. He received $200 to donate to Sunday Friends.

More causes, more service, more rewards. The new implemented community service award allows individuals who have shown distinction in their service work to receive recognition for their time put into the community.

As announced in today’s meeting, the administration has put in extra effort to encourage students to become more involved in the improvement of their community. The proposition entails that a handful of selected students will be interviewed regarding their community work and a distinguished individual will be listed as the awardee.

This year’s winner is Alan Soetikno (12) for the hours of service he dedicated to the community. His first taste of community service was when he attended freshman service day. Since then, he continued volunteering through school, including tutoring and as part of Key Club, Red Cross Club, Interact Club, and Tutoring Club.

“[Community service] cannot be explained by a number,” he said during his speech. “You do it for them–the less fortunate. You do it because it is quite simply the right and honorable thing to do.”

According to Alan, unlike previous years where the winner received $500 to keep, this year he will receive $200 to donate to the charity of his or her choice.

Many students believe that service is an integral part of society.

“Community service in my mind makes the world go round. People that make these selfless acts to help the underprivileged or anyone by giving back to this generous world deserve some recognition,” Shikhar Dixit (10) said.

Community service coordinator Kerry Enzensperger described how inspiring and wonderful community service can be.

“When you go out and you do something and you feel like you’ve made a difference and helped, it’s a really powerful feeling,” she said. “[By] getting out there and involved, hopefully it will [become] a lifelong commitment.”

Alan chose to donate the $200 check he received to Sunday Friends, a non-profit organization that teaches families life skills to help them find jobs and lead better lives. He believes that the organization allows people to earn what they deserve.

The administration plans to continue awarding recognition to exemplary students in the future in hopes of encouraging others to take a bigger leap in bettering their community.