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Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila


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This I Believe: Measured in moments
This I Believe: Measured in moments
by Katerina Matta, Winged Post Co-Editor-in-Chief

Beads of sweat dot our brows as my grandmother and I labor over a pot of tabikh, a classic Egyptian stew made primarily from meat, tomatoes...

With fun celebrations like National Houseplant Appreciation Day and Lipid Day, these days can offer a unique break from everyday life, turning any normal day into a special one. In this list, I present my five favorite national days.
Friday 5: National Days
by Isabella Lo, Aquila Co-Managing Editor

Perspectives: Sisters
Perspectives: Sisters
by Shareen Chahal and Janam Chahal

In 2023 alone, over 10,000 research papers were withdrawn, setting a new global record. Journals subject papers to stringent review processes facilitated by expert peer reviewers, but many procedural and factual errors still manage to slip past inattentive editors, threatening to damage the reputation of legitimate scientific research.
Science has an integrity problem
by Mihir Kotbagi, Assistant STEM Editor

Science, long held as the epitome of truth and objectivity, is facing an integrity crisis, with a growing number of retractions calling into...

Last-minute merges at the entrance before school or improper turns onto the highway and Saratoga Avenue as students and parents leave school constitute a danger to the community. With only one entrance and exit to campus, drivers often make unsafe decisions to save time.
Editorial: Irresponsible driving endangers community
by Editorial Board

The final school bell chimes at 3 p.m. Within minutes, students flood Harker’s loading zones, and traffic slows while cars fill the exit lanes....

Capturing the attention of viewers across the world, dating shows have risen in popularity due to the endless petty drama, emotional conversations and of course, countless swoon-worthy moments. The seemingly perfect relationships appear too good to be true and in most cases, they are.
True love? Couples should dump dating shows
by Charlize Wang

One word. Four letters. A world of meaning behind it. For some, it’s embodied in their high school classmate, admired secretly from across...

Winged Post