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Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Arely Sun

Arely Sun, Aquila Co-Managing Editor

Arely Sun (12) is the co-managing editor of Harker Aquila with focus on longform writing. This is her fourth year on staff, and she hopes to work with reporters to enhance their writing and tell diverse stories. In her free time, she enjoys dance, intriguing movies, doodling and roller skating on smooth pavement.

All content by Arely Sun
“I put a purpose to my reading because before it was for pleasure, and right now it still is for pleasure, but intentionally seeking out books that are by minority authors and seeing what they have to say is so special, and you get to see so many different perspectives," Irene Yuan said.

Humans of Harker: Savant of stories

by Arely Sun, Aquila Co-Managing Editor
July 12, 2022
“Coming to terms with my multicultural identity has been a journey, and it's definitely shaped me into the person I am today because I want to pay attention to not only my family stories but the stories of those around me. It's important to create this open environment where people not only feel vulnerable enough to share their stories but they're encouraged enough to want to learn about the story of those around them," Andrea Thia ('22) said.

Humans of Harker: Finding family

by Arely Sun, Aquila Co-Managing Editor
June 27, 2022
Nicole Tian (12) reads a description for Indian jade carvings in the Asian Art Museum during a field trip for Advanced Placement (AP) Art History field trip on March 21. The students spent the day exploring the different exhibits of the museum, which included sculptures, paintings and ceramics from different parts of Asia.

AP Art History classes visit Asian Art Museum in San Francisco

by Michelle Liu, Winged Post Co-Editor-in-Chief
April 11, 2022
“Even if you're playing singles, you have to remember that at the end of the day, you're a part of a team, and whether you win your match or not is part of the team's overall score and not just for yourself. I also learned a lot about resilience and staying positive [through tennis]. It's about your mental strength," Victoria Han (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Team, thinking and tenacity

by Arely Sun, Aquila Co-Managing Editor
February 3, 2022
Music Monday is a new installation featuring a different category of songs on a weekly basis.

Music Monday: Take dance breaks with Aquila

by Arely Sun, Aquila Co-Managing Editor
December 13, 2021
I flip through an array of Marvel Cinematic Universe movies. Although some of the films lack top-notch, logical writing and center around almost all white male heroes, the continuity between them make the MCU immersive and somewhat addictive.

Friday Five: Marvel Cinematic Universe movies

by Arely Sun, Aquila Co-Managing Editor
December 3, 2021
Seniors Aimee Wang, Emily Zhou and Tina Zhong sit on Davis Field during a 10-minute break in upper school history teacher Donna Gilbert's third period AP Art History class on Oct. 26. Upper school students have been receiving varied amounts of break times in different classes since the beginning of the school year.

Do in-class breaks matter?

by Sarah Mohammed, Anika Maji
December 1, 2021
Music Monday is a new installation featuring a different category of songs on a weekly basis.

Music Monday: Cherish cloudy days with Aquila

by Arely Sun, Co-Managing Editor
November 8, 2021
facebook glasses

STEM Scene: Sept. 14

by Arjun Barrett, Asst. STEM Editor
September 14, 2021
“Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” is a 390 page nonfiction written by Yuval Noah Harari that was first published in 2011. Harari is also the author of “Homo Deus” and “21 Lessons for the 21st Century.”

Book Corner: The rise of humankind

by Arely Sun, Co-Managing Editor
September 13, 2021
“Art is really important because it can celebrate the thoughts of an individual or an entire community, and it can express any kind of emotion, from joy to addressing major issues going on. Or it can just be for fun—something decorative to make the world a prettier place. Every piece of art makes the world a better place and a more connected place,” Maria Teplova (12) said.

Humans of Harker: A true craftswoman

by Arely Sun, Winged Post Lifestyle Editor and Social Media Editor
April 14, 2021
How was I supposed to feel “fine” when the world looked straight out of an apocalyptic movie? After the ashes dissipated, I continued to roller skate to combat the loneliness of quarantine and to unwind after a long day of Zoom classes, immersing myself in practicing heel-toe transitions and manuals and dips just for fun, for nobody but myself.

How we overcame the unknown of 2020

by Harker Journalism Staff
April 17, 2021
Upper school economics teacher showcases the myriad of board games he enjoys playing, whether it be with friends, family or his advisory. "The big draw to me is that board games allow you to connect with people in ways that you normally wouldn't be able to," Lizardo said. "Because sometimes we're just looking at a screen or playing video games, you don't actually get to see or talk to these people."

Meet your teacher: Economics teacher finds joy in board games

by Arely Sun, Winged Post Lifestyle Editor
February 18, 2021

STEM Scene: Feb. 12

by Saurav Tewari, Sports Reporter
February 17, 2021
Music Monday is a new installation featuring a different category of songs on a weekly basis.

Music Monday: Celebrating Black History Month with Aquila

by Arely Sun, Winged Post Lifestyle Editor and Social Media Editor
February 15, 2021
Winter blues got you down? Here is a beginner-friendly, adjustable vegetable soup to bring you some comfort at home.

How to make winter vegetable soup

by Arely Sun, Winged Post Lifestyle Editor and Social Media Editor
February 3, 2021
“Understanding people's perspectives is something that I try to do. No matter what situation I'm in, I never immediately judge someone. [With] people who have different beliefs than me [and] different opinions, before I try and fight against them, I try and understand where they're coming from and why they believe what they believe,” Calais Poirson (12) said.

Humans of Harker: The light in every room

by Arely Sun, Winged Post Lifestyle Editor and Social Media Editor
January 4, 2021
“A photograph an artist takes and their vision of it can be completely different from when a reader sees it. It may not always turn out as what the artist intends. But that's just art: it's one's own subjective experience,” Shalini Rohra (12) said.

Humans of Harker: An open ear and an open heart

by Arely Sun, Winged Post Lifestyle Editor and Social Media Editor
December 8, 2020
Speak with the goal of making your voice heard, not with the goal of changing someone’s opinions. Speak with the facts at the forefront, not emotions. Speak with a clear message and listen with an open mind.

Politics over dinner

by Erica Cai, Humans of Harker Managing Editor
November 2, 2020
Take a step back from the chaos of the election. Limit your intake of news and social media pre-and-post election. Encourage positive conversations rather than heated debates over partisan topics. Practice relaxation techniques, be it yoga, meditation or anything else.

Staying Healthy with Saloni: Election edition

by Saloni Shah, Humans of Harker Editor-in-Chief
November 1, 2020

STEM Scene: Tech Update

by Mark Hu, STEM Editor
October 27, 2020
As the coronavirus pandemic has created a series of changes, television series have adapted to production changes, added coronavirus pandemic to storylines, and introduced new COVID-19 documentaries. Even with many changes and additions to TV series, many viewers have enjoyed and are looking forward to their favorite television programs.

Television series adapt to COVID-19

by Sally Zhu, Humans of Harker Profiler
October 5, 2020
Taking the time to rest can often be difficult, especially when we often prioritize the completion of tasks over making space in our schedules for brief respites.

Taking a break: Planning your day in quarantine

by Arely Sun, Lifestyle Editor
September 21, 2020
Movie review: The simplicity of “Amélie”

Movie review: The simplicity of “Amélie”

by Arely Sun, Co-Lifestyle Editor
April 26, 2020
“The analytical thinking skills that I’ve learned from taking classes and practicing math have helped me to analyze the world in a more theoretical way. Sometimes when I see things in the world, I can attribute [them] to different theoretical ideas,” Grace Huang (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Logic and levelheadedness

by Arely Sun, Co-Lifestyle Editor
March 2, 2020
“It's mostly storytelling in tangent with emotions. I've always loved telling people stories, so much so sometimes that I forget that I have my own, but I think that's the purpose of art and filmmaking and journalism, they're all a form of art. You see others' feelings out on the page, and you want to express your own,” Nina Gee (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Telling stories with a twist

by Arely Sun, Winged Post Co-Lifestyle Editor
January 27, 2020
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