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Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor

Ryan Guan (12) is the executive news editor for Harker journalism. Ryan has been on staff since starting high school, having previously served as a Wingspan senior staff writer, a Wingspan designer, a Winged Post copy editor and a reporter. Ryan’s favorite part of journalism is the opportunity to tell interesting, impactful stories. Outside of journalism, he enjoys reading and listening to music.
All content by Ryan Guan
“It's not enough to just do science. You also need to understand its implications and communicate that to people. No matter how much you try to pigeonhole yourself and say, ‘oh, I'm a STEM kid and all I want to do is study science,’ which is probably something I've been tempted to think in the past, you really can't just ignore the fact that the world is much bigger than that, and what you do will have an impact on others," Kat Tian ('19) said.

Humans of Harker: Defying limits

by Anna Vazhaeparambil, Asst. Sports Editor
May 30, 2019
“When you think about it, we’re only sixteen years old,” Prameela Kottapalli (12) said. “How much can we do? We can’t even vote. I’m aware of this. The people my age are aware of this. But the world doesn’t give us straightforward opportunities to make a difference. So writing was the way I could be able to promote awareness. So this was the breakthrough that I had for journalism, but it was also the breakthrough that I had in life.”

Humans of Harker: Power in words

by Emily Chen and Irene Yuan
May 22, 2019
“Stories of humanity inspire me. All of us have burdens and strengths and power and stuff that we've overcome in life. Everyone has a story to share. At coffee shops, the random person sitting next to you has a lot of cool perspectives on life," Shania Wang (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Reaching out

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
April 21, 2019
Senior dodgeball players threw foam balls at freshman players, defeating them in the final game of the dodgeball tournament.

School meeting recap 2/20/19

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
February 21, 2019
The PROJECT Trio plays in the Patil Theater. The musicians performed their show, the last of this year's Concert Series, yesterday at 8 p.m.

PROJECT Trio performance finishes Concert Series season

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
February 14, 2019

Christopher Hurshman accepts role as freshman dean

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
January 23, 2019
Sue Smith, who has worked as an archivist, a librarian and the K-12 Library Director at The Harker School, talks with colleagues at her retirement party this afternoon in the Nichols Rotunda.

K-12 Library Director honored at retirement party

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
January 17, 2019
Amy Pelman will join the program as a librarian next semester with the retirement of K-12 Library Director Sue Smith's this Friday.

School meeting recap 1/14/19

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
January 16, 2019
Harker's 2019 Regeneron Science Talent Search scholars pose for a picture. From left to right: Cameron Jones, Natasha Maniar, Richard Wang, Ruhi Sayana, Katherine Tian, Cindy Wang and Ayush Alag, all seniors. Natasha, Ruhi, and Ayush were finalists as well.

Seniors named Regeneron scholars

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
January 11, 2019
Avi Gulati (11), who won the Harker division of the annual Shakespeare Competition last year, performs a monologue from "King Lear."

School meeting recap 12/13/18

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
December 14, 2018
Dance teacher Karl Kuehn attempts Arrive Alive's 
impaired driving simulation. The tour visits school campuses and other locations to spread awareness of how dangerous distracted driving can be.

Arrive Alive tour teaches dangers of distracted driving

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
December 6, 2018
Senior class spirit coordinator Claire Newman adjusts a decoration on the senior class tree in Manzanita. Spirit is holding a tree-decorating competition all this week.

Competition in the holiday spirit

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
December 5, 2018
Catherine Wang (12)'s art exhibit, "The Proximity of Success," featured notes, thumbnails and works-in-progress for a variety of pieces. Catherine's work was displayed in Shah Hall between Nov. 26 and Nov. 30.

Shah gallery features two seniors’ artwork

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
December 1, 2018
Forensics representatives Nakul Bajaj (11), Nikki Solanki (11), Maddie Huynh (11) and Anusha Kuppahally (12) announce results from recent competitions.

School meeting recap 11/8/18

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
November 11, 2018
An UnPlugged Guitar Club member sells boba during their club week. The club shared its week with Car Club, from Oct. 30 to Nov. 2.

October’s club weeks

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
November 8, 2018
The Tree of Life – Or L'Simcha Congregation, a synagogue in Pittsburgh, where a man shot and killed 11 people on Oct. 27. The suspect was charged with 29 federal crimes.

Mass shooting kills 11 at Pittsburgh synagogue

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
November 5, 2018
Spirit club officers Arjun Kilaru (12) and Zachary Hoffman (12) announce the results of the costume contests from Wednesday. Each winner received prizes as well as spirit points for their class.

School meeting recap 11/2/18

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
November 2, 2018
Dr. Ali Mattu speaks to the Harker community about collaboration. He spoke to all four grades during lunch today.

Psychologist presents on importance of collaboration

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
October 24, 2018
Alexander Young (12) shakes his ballot into a ballot box during the mock midterms last Thursday. AP U.S. Government teacher Carol Green and students hosted a mock midterm election Thursday to encourage students to vote.

Mock midterm election lets students experience voting

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
October 24, 2018
Science teachers Dr. Kate Schafer and Chris Spenner and former students talk about their experiences with the 2017 Human Ecology class, which will be offered again next summer. The summer 2019 class is open to all rising sophomores, juniors and seniors.

School meeting recap 10/16/ 18

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
October 19, 2018
A sign near a polling location for the 2016 presidential elections bears instructions in many languages. According to the Census Bureau, 43 percent of eligible voters 18 to 29 voted that year.

How to vote this Election Day

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
October 17, 2018
Assistant Head of School Jennifer Gargano hands a new NHS member his induction certificate. This year's National Honor Society induction ceremony took place in the Nichols auditorium on Oct. 16.

NHS induction welcomes over 70 new members

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
October 15, 2018
Raymond Banke’s exhibition "14^3" features an aquarium with many aquascaping elements outside of the water, as well as photographs of PVC pipes alongside air plants. "14^3", pronounced "fourteen cubed", inaugurated the Shah student showcase gallery, which Art Club sold sweatshirts to fundraise for last year.

Aquascape exhibit inaugurates Shah showcase gallery

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
October 10, 2018
A freshman class representative throws a card at the face of a watermelon. The freshmen won the "Fruit Ninja" game, which took place during lunch today.

Freshmen win “Fruit Ninja” spirit activity

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
October 4, 2018
Taylor Lam (12) knocks away a ball during today's faculty-student dodgeball game, hosted by Spirit Club. The student team lost the game 2-1 after winning the first round.

Faculty wins first spirit dodgeball game

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
October 3, 2018
Junior Sejal Krishnan strings a bead onto a friendship bracelet at an activity hosted by spirit club today during lunch. Students are invited to participate in a number of spirit activities this week, including a parade and scream-off tomorrow after fifth period.

Spirit activities kick off homecoming week

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
October 3, 2018
Members of Spirit Club bow before the Eagle mascot at school meeting on Wednesday in promotion of Spirit Week, which will start on Monday.

School meeting recap 9/26/18

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
September 27, 2018
Parents speak with representatives of various extracurriculars, including robotics, debate, athletics, DECA, journalism and HELM, at Back to School Day in Nichols Atrium today. Parents could also speak with their students' teachers at the event.

Weekend recap 9/15/18

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
September 14, 2018
Student director Ellie Lang-Ree (12) announces her play at school meeting on Sept. 14. The four 2018 SDS directors are seniors Neha Premkumar, Emmy Huchley, Dilara Ezer and Ellie.

School meeting recap 9/14/18

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
September 14, 2018
College counselors visit the class of 2019 during a class meeting.

Seniors named National Merit Scholarship semifinalists

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
September 13, 2018
Capitol Hill: What You Missed (Volume 20, Issue 1)

Capitol Hill: What You Missed (Volume 20, Issue 1)

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
August 31, 2018
Middle school teachers Mark Gelineau and Marjorie Hazeltine act out the final scene in their skit, which honored the history of The Harker School in celebration of its 125th anniversary. The skit was performed for upper school students and faculty this morning during school meeting.

School meeting recap 8/28

by Ryan Guan, Executive News Editor
August 28, 2018
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