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The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Nicole Tian

Nicole Tian, Aquila Co-Editor-in-Chief

Nicole Tian (12) is the co-editor-in-chief of Harker Aquila. This is her fourth year on staff, and she previously served as the opinion editor, co-lifestyle editor and staff reporter. She enjoys writing commentary on issues she finds interesting and growing through interactions with her fellow staff members. In her free time, she loves history research, sketching, pondering the paradox of astronomy and meme templates.

All content by Nicole Tian
“I want to know what I'm here for and what the world is and what my place in the world is. And I feel like physics and philosophy are twin paths for that goal. Being able to get more diversity in [science], drawing connections to different experiences like entanglement and intersectionality, I think that's really powerful to unite understanding across fields," Angela Jia (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Detur pons mundo

by Nicole Tian, Co-Editor-in-Chief
April 26, 2022
Despite the impossibility of the Anthropic Principle, we exist in a world that appreciates the romance of science, a high price to lose. In order to maintain its relevance while sustaining private growth, NASA must chase new frontiers, paving the way for industrial development to follow while collecting data that answer the question of how our existence came to be on the grandest arena of all.

Space travel enters the final frontier

by Nicole Tian, Co-Editor-in-Chief
August 25, 2021
I've had more time to work on arts and crafts during the pandemic, and this origami flapping dragon lying on top of a paper towel with watercolor stains was one of my foldable creations. Following crafting tutorials have given me space to take a breath and litter my desk with small creations.

How we overcame the unknown of 2020

by Harker Journalism Staff
April 17, 2021
“A large part of how I grow, especially when I'm interacting with other people, is through being a good listener. I like being a listener, too; I've learned a lot from listening to other people. Listening seems really simple, but you can contribute a lot to someone else by just being a good listener, whether it's support or learning from them,” Betsy Tian (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Diving deep for understanding

by Emily Tan, Winged Post Features Editor
April 12, 2021
“I think people see [dependence] as a weakness. Generally, you're supposed to be independent, and, I think that's generally the picture of toughness or resilience. But I think there's something much more beautiful about dependence and vulnerability, just being okay, trusting other people to help you out,” Arya Maheshwari (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Spatial admiration

by Nicole Tian, Opinion Editor
March 18, 2021
The annual F=ma physics examination, hosted by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), will take place online tomorrow. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the contest will be conducted online through the Art of Problem Solving (AoPS) contest platform. 

Students to take F=ma physics examination virtually

by Sally Zhu, Humans of Harker Staff Profiler
February 17, 2021
To prevent the disastrous outcomes of Big Tech moderating itself, legislation must give up the idealism of Section 230 in favor of increasing competition, providing a motive for Internet companies to finally meet user standards.

Break up Big Tech

by Nicole Tian, Opinion Editor
January 27, 2021
Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day at the upper school is integral to promoting racial equity within our community. Especially at the upper school level, learning about Dr. King’s legacy in a thorough and informed manner allows students to better understand America’s history of racism and examine the nuances of bridging the racial divide of today.

Learning from legacy

by Erica Cai, Humans of Harker Managing Editor
January 19, 2021
At 12:15 p.m. on Wednesday during the Senate confirmation of election results, a mob of supporters of President Donald Trump broke into the Capitol. Members of Congress who met to count electoral votes in the 2020 presidential elections evacuated and sheltered in place, and the U.S. Capitol Police failed to prevent rioters, some of whom were armed, from storming the building.

“Enough is enough is enough”

by Nicole Tian, Opinions Editor
January 9, 2021
“[People] want to start a discourse and talk about things with people with other interests and different viewpoints. As I’ve realized the openings and the gaps and ... the opportunities I have been afforded, I’ve done all that I could to provide these platforms to other people and open new doors that wouldn’t have been opened otherwise,” Arushi Saxena (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Creating platforms

by Nicole Tian, Opinion Editor
January 7, 2021
Opinions editor Nicole Tian (11) holds a frame in front of her face, a self-portrait for her column in the newest "I Believe" repeater.

Holding onto the sweetness of rice balls

by Nicole Tian, Opinions Editor
December 16, 2020
online stem competitions

STEM Scene: Dec. 13

by Sabrina Zhu, Assistant STEM Editor
December 13, 2020
“Everything took off because I finally had something established, I finally found my place. And I'm going to continue, I'm not going to just back down … I have this mantra in my head that individuals can change communities, but communities can change the world,” Sachi Bajaj (12) said.

Humans of Harker: What a wonderful world

by Nicole Tian, Opinions Editor
December 10, 2020
My Asian American identity is composed of traditions from both my heritage and nationality. Whether it be watching fireworks on the Fourth of July, eating dumplings on Lunar New Year or spending summers in my grandparents' complex in Xi'an, I carry both cultures with me.

This land was made for you and me?

by Nicole Tian, Opinion Editor
September 6, 2020
An expanding animal agriculture industry leads to deforestation to open up new lands, but by cutting down on customer demand by either eliminating or minimizing personal beef consumption, the impact is twofold: forested lands are protected, combating the effects of CO2 emissions, and methane produced by cattle farming decreases.

Cattle and carbon: Why I chose to stop eating beef

by Nicole Tian, Co-Lifestyle Editor
January 21, 2020
“My courage to do things that are not the mainstream, not what everyone else is doing, boils down to, I’m not afraid to ask questions and challenge what has been before. If you always just acknowledge that without asking, ‘Does it have to be like that, can I improve this,” not being afraid to ask those questions is really what I want to be remembered for,” Ellen Guo (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Courage to question

by Nicole Tian, Co-Lifestyle Editor
January 13, 2020
Skating the curves

Skating the curves

by Nicole Tian, Co-Lifestyle Editor
December 7, 2019
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