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The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Irene Yuan

Irene Yuan, Aquila Co-Managing Editor

Irene Yuan (12) is the co-managing editor of Harker Aquila with a focus on multimedia and social media. This is her fourth year on staff, and she hopes to work with reporters on telling stories through all different types of multimedia: video, podcast and more. In her free time, she enjoys hanging out with her cat (Milo), reading, dancing and listening to musicals and Taylor Swift.

All content by Irene Yuan
"Every single person I've interviewed for Humans of Harker has said one killer quote that has stuck with me even through four years of high school, and I think I really do internalize those messages. There are nuances in every single person's experience that makes it unique to them and also makes it a good lesson for everyone else. It's just amazing to see how much wisdom every single person at Harker has, and it's fascinating to learn about those stories," Erica Cai ('22) said.

Humans of Harker: Harmony in humanity

by Olivia Xu, HoH Managing Editor
July 18, 2022

“For both theater and ballet, you have a set of guidelines: for dance, it's choreography, and for theater, that's your script. But in both, your role is to make those things feel like your own. You're fully embodying the character and making it seem completely organic. You take your own interpretation of the piece and make small artistic decisions to make it fully what you feel is true to the character or the idea you're trying to convey," Arely Sun ('22) said.

Humans of Harker: Stage magic

by Erica Cai, HoH Editor-in-Chief
July 16, 2022
“It’s the mind bending things that I’m really passionate about, the things where you're like, ‘I have no idea why this happens, but I want to figure that out.’ It’s a genuine, ‘I don’t get it, but I want to.’ Or perhaps it’s [that] I don’t want to never understand it. I don’t want to have a topic that I don't understand and never understand it," Spencer Cha ('22) said.

Humans of Harker: Mind bender, music maker

by Erica Cai, HoH Editor-in-Chief
July 14, 2022
On nuanced issues such as abortion, labelling people one of two ways is more harmful than helpful, because it implies so many unsaid words.

Pro-nuance: More than just a label

by Irene Yuan, Co-Managing Editor
March 26, 2022
“My favorite part [about table tennis] is that it's not just about your technique and your strategy; it’s very much a mental game. Even though you have your club mates and your coaches there, they can't come play for you, so you can't have an off day, because there's no one to pick up the slack for you. It's helped me a lot with being more confident in myself and being able to withstand pressure from [my] academic life as well," Ritika Rajamani (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Taking her best shot

by Lavanya Subramanian, TALON Student Life Editor
March 24, 2022
“I like to see someone else fall in love with something that I care about too. [It’s] that feeling of giving back with what I know. And then, I grow as a violin player, I grow as a tennis player, I grow as a person, so I'm getting a lot back in return," Kavita Murthy (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Music and mentorship

by Irene Yuan, Co-Managing Editor
March 21, 2022
“I want to be remembered as someone who hopefully helped other people be better. I want to be a good influence on [people]. I want to be a friend who makes you a better person," Alexa Lowe (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Team player

by Isha Moorjani, News Editor
February 23, 2022
“[Gardening] gives me a little bit of control over something. Sometimes I feel like I can do all this studying, but I still can’t control the grade or know the questions. But I can take this weed out. I will beat this crabgrass, and then I can listen to music or relax," Ann Ryan (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Purposeful planting

by Irene Yuan, Co-Managing Editor
January 4, 2022
The audiobook edition of “Chain of Gold” by Cassandra Clare borrowed from Sora stands next to the hardcover edition. This novel was the first audiobook I ever listened to, and it introduced me to a new form of consuming media that I had previously shunned due to misconceptions.

Reading audiobooks isn’t cheating

by Irene Yuan, Co-Managing Editor
December 14, 2021
The Harker School Saratoga Campus Parking map in Assistant Head of School Ken Allen's office. Seniors participated in a lottery to determine parking spots on Matriculation 2021, and juniors who applied afterwards could also receive remaining available parking spots.

The art of selecting a parking spot

by Irene Yuan, Co-Managing Editor
September 12, 2021
In a poll on Harker Aquila's Instagram account, 41 respondents say that thrifted clothing makes up one third of their closet. Thrifting has grown in popularity in recent years.

Fall fashion: Rise in the realm of thrifting

by Sally Zhu, A&E and Lifestyle Editor
September 7, 2021
Humans of Harker: Perseverance on par

Humans of Harker: Perseverance on par

by Irene Yuan, Co-Managing Editor
August 2, 2021
This is a screenshot of my photo album of sunrises, mostly taken from my backyard or driveway. During the pandemic, although I did not go outside much, I found comfort in watching the sunrise from my house in the morning and often took pictures because each one was uniquely different.

How we overcame the unknown of 2020

by Harker Journalism Staff
April 17, 2021
“Cooking has been something I’ve explored during quarantine. I think that cooking has helped solidify a lot of chemical concepts whether it’s hydrogenation, protein structure, the maillard reaction, emulsions, and things like that. It just really makes what might otherwise be any other subject to be more tangible,” Russell Yang (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Learning by doing

by Michael Eng, Multimedia Editor
March 16, 2021
“When you're running on your own, there's nothing really stopping you from just walking, other than your own motivation to get better. A major part of cross country is that it's a mental sport because of ... self motivation — learning how to motivate myself to push harder and do better has carried over to other aspects as well,” Aditya Singhvi (12) said.

Humans of Harker: The tracks of community

by Irene Yuan, Multimedia Editor
February 25, 2021
Music Monday is a new installation featuring a different category of songs on a weekly basis.

Music Monday: Sing Broadway with Aquila

by Irene Yuan, Multimedia Editor
January 18, 2021
I like to keep a clean workspace, so my desk usually only consists of my desktop for zoom, my iPad for taking notes, and whatever else I need for the specific class (e.g. a calculator for math). This used to be my mom's desk so I have a picture of my brother and I that she put here a couple years ago.

Stories from quarantine: Our pandemic workspaces

by Emily Tan, Winged Post Features Editor
December 2, 2020
Irene Yuan (11) engages in a parent-teacher-student conference with English teacher Brigid Miller on Friday, Nov. 20. 
This year, conferences took place over the platform Meet the Teacher.

Students, parents and teachers attend virtual conferences

by Lucy Ge, Winged Post News Editor
November 27, 2020
“I used to live in New Jersey for the first ten years of my life, then I moved to California, so I had three different schools ever since coming to California. But my swim team … was like my second family. I knew everybody on the team for a long time. Even newcomers who came to the team later: they were embraced really quickly and [the] bond we had — it was pretty strong,” Matthew Chung (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Timed strokes

by Irene Yuan, Multimedia Editor
November 6, 2020
“Dance is a bit easier to deal with that anxiety because I just put all that energy into the movement that I'm doing, but for music, you have to really control it and that's still hit or miss for me. What helped me was when I moved over to horn and playing in the orchestra. There's a bit of added pressure because I knew that people depended on me, but at the same time, it was less. It felt comforting to know that my friends were there to support me also,” Kai-Ming Ang (12) said.

Humans of Harker: The humble artist

by Irene Yuan, Asst. Photo Editor
May 11, 2020
“Volleyball has taught me a lot of discipline in that since middle school, I’ve grown in a team environment so that there’s this team culture of everyone always trying their hardest and maintaining high expectations for everyone around them. There’s also a sense that we won’t let each other down in terms of effort and drive. I’ve definitely dedicated a lot more time and it has become my main sport and main activity so in terms of skill, I’ve definitely developed a lot, but through volleyball I’ve learned a lot of maturity and dedication,” Emily Cheng (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Setting connections

by Irene Yuan, Asst. Photo Editor
April 7, 2020
"Going to school with kids who are ambitious, motivated, curious, just intellectual, is something that is just powerful because I don't think I could have those conversations with anyone else my age unless they also similarly valued education like I do. Something that I’m passionate about is just people becoming more aware and involved in their own communities and just being aware of current events,” Caroline Yager (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Learning art

by Irene Yuan, Asst. Photo Editor
January 11, 2020
“The way I see it is for as long as I can remember, I’ve been enamored by everything, the concept of everything, and so, I think art is the closest way to achieve infinite consciousness...I feel like that viewpoint—being enamored by everything—kind of affects everything I do," Kismet Singh (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Sketches, doodles, and snippets

by Irene Yuan, Asst. Photo Editor
October 21, 2019
During the game against Mercy San Francisco on Sept. 10, setter Emily Cheng (12) tips the ball over the net as her teammates watch on. The varsity, junior varsity and freshman teams all defeated Mercy, winning every set.

Monthly recap: Fall sports go the distance

by Anna Vazhaeparambil, Aquila Co-Sports Editor
October 9, 2019
Heidi Zhang ('19) runs away from two Aragon players with the ball in her hand during the varsity girls lacrosse team's CCS quarterfinals match.

Harker awarded CalHi D4 School of the Year

by Aditya Singhvi, Aquila Co-Sports Editor
August 30, 2019
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