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The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Michael Eng

Michael Eng, Multimedia Editor

Michael Eng (11) is the multimedia editor for Harker Aquila who doesn’t do much writing. This is his third year on staff. He enjoys editing videos and most non text based mediums. Michael is currently trying to learn how to better integrate sound design and visual effects into his projects. Outside of journalism, he enjoys quiz bowl, (mainly organic) chemistry, and submitting his staff bio three months late.

All content by Michael Eng
This notification is from a screenshot of the Windows update page. Although I was at least peripherally aware of the poor sleep habits I had developed in the past year, it was still quite shocking to see the evidence.

How we overcame the unknown of 2020

by Harker Journalism Staff
April 17, 2021
“Cooking has been something I’ve explored during quarantine. I think that cooking has helped solidify a lot of chemical concepts whether it’s hydrogenation, protein structure, the maillard reaction, emulsions, and things like that. It just really makes what might otherwise be any other subject to be more tangible,” Russell Yang (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Learning by doing

by Michael Eng, Multimedia Editor
March 16, 2021
The landing page for the online portal to take the AMC tests, hosted on the Art of Problem Solving (AoPS) website. Like previous years, all of the exams were 25 multiple choice questions to be completed in 75 minutes.

AMC math competitions held virtually

by Michael Eng, Multimedia Editor
February 12, 2021
Nearly everything you see on this desk was purchased after the pandemic started (that summer job really helped!). I wanted to have better peripherals seeing as my screen time effectively doubled from March 11 to March 12.

Stories from quarantine: Our pandemic workspaces

by Emily Tan, Winged Post Features Editor
December 2, 2020
Talk around campus: New bell schedule

Talk around campus: New bell schedule

by Michael Eng, Multimedia Editor
September 15, 2020
Julia Amick (12) receives a pass during a girls lacrosse game against Carlmont on April 26. The girls won the WBAL quarterfinals on May 7 with a score of 7-6.

Spring sports hit the home stretch

by Anna Vazhaeparambil, Asst. Sports Editor
May 9, 2019
Ellie Lang-Ree (12), in the role of Mrs. Gibbs, mimes stringing beans with Marina Logue (12), who plays Mrs. Webb. "Our Town", this year's fall play, portrays a pre-industrial small town at the cusp of the 20th century, with machinery and cars appearing as the play's timeline progresses.

Cast performs annual fall play, first in RPAC

by Michael Eng, Global Columnist
October 31, 2018
China retaliates as U.S. increases tariffs

China retaliates as U.S. increases tariffs

by Michael Eng, Global Columnist
August 31, 2018
The growing divide forming between Israelis and Palestinians is leading to violence and protests. President Trump declared Jerusalem Israel's capital and made a decision to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem late last year.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict: When will it end?

by Eric Fang, Winged Post Global Editor
February 6, 2018
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