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The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Ashley Mo

Ashley Mo, STEM Editor

Ashley Mo (11) is a STEM editor for Harker Aquila and the Winged Post, and this is her third year on staff. This year, Ashley hopes to further connect with the journalism team and create impactful STEM pieces and pages. In her free time, Ashley enjoys playing golf and spending time with her friends.

All content by Ashley Mo
Student researcher Nisha Padhi (10) examines a test tube of MTT solution. Over the summer, she focused on chemical synthesis of small molecules and looks forward to combining aspects of cell biology work into her future research.

Journey into hands-on research

by Ashley Mo, Co-STEM Editor
August 29, 2024
Music Monday is a new installation featuring a different category of songs on a weekly basis.

Music Monday: Tackle APs with Aquila

by Ashley Mo, Co-STEM Editor
April 29, 2024
Humans of Harker: Computing life’s next move

Humans of Harker: Computing life’s next move

by Ashley Mo, Co-Assistant STEM Editor
April 9, 2024
Upper school English teacher Beth Wahl stands in front of her bougainvillea plant, a type of tropical shrub that grows up to 30 feet tall. "Before we renovated our house and we added a second story, I dreamed of having bougainvillea that goes up two stories," Wahl said. "Now, it blooms throughout the year and creates this incredibly vibrant magenta color." (Provided by Beth Wahl)

In full bloom

by Lily Shi and Ashley Mo
March 21, 2024
Tap Club members learn the Shim Sham, a classic tap routine. The Shim Sham was first introduced by tap dancers Willie Bryant and Leonard Reed in 1928.

Tapping into tradition: Tap Club explores Shim Sham

by Ashley Mo, Assistant STEM Editor
February 28, 2024
Visitors to the Sphere settle into their seats before the show. "Postcard to Earth" tells the story of two astronauts, Bryon and Fang.

Find nature’s stamp on “Postcard from Earth”

by Ashley Mo, Assistant STEM Editor
February 15, 2024
Psych club officer Varun Thvar (11) leads a virtual speaker session featuring Dr. Matcheri Keshavan, a neuroscientist who works at the Beth Israel Medical Center in Boston. Dr. Keshavan educated Psych Club members on the different parts of the brain.

STEM Spotlight: Psychology Club

by Ashley Mo, Reporter
February 3, 2024
Music Monday is a new installation featuring a different category of songs on a weekly basis.

Music Monday: Refresh with R&B

by Ashley Mo, Reporter
November 27, 2023
"Even if I have one bad morning, that doesn't mean I have to waste the rest of my day. With writing, I get writer's block sometimes, but [my mindset is] that if something I wrote doesn't come out well, I can always go back and edit it. I try to move on, and who knows? Maybe the next part will be better," Sebastian Dionne (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Shelf of dreams

by Ashley Mo, Reporter
October 22, 2023
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