Varsity girls golf prevailed over King’s Academy 193-236 and Notre Dame San Jose in a tri-match at Moffett Field Golf Course on Friday. The team teed off from the back nine and played holes nine through eighteen.
Frosh Sai Kaneshiro headed the team with a score of 36 strokes, followed by junior Ashley Mo with 37. Seniors Allison Yang and Khanhlinh Tran and sophomore Joyce He contributed to the top five scores as well, which were added together for the final tally.
Allison and Sai teed off first, and the rest of the team followed after in their respective playing groups. With three schools playing in the match, two Harker players were grouped with two players from either King’s Academy or Notre Dame, for a total of four players in each pairing. Senior Anika Pallapothu highlighted the sportsmanship between the schools.
“When we played with Notre Dame, they were really nice and really encouraging if we didn’t hit a good shot,” Anika said. “That’s one of the main components of golf tournaments that make it feel like they go by really fast.”

Sai carried with 13 putts, leading to her success in the tournament. She highlighted the frequency of her one-putts, where she sank the ball with just a single stroke after reaching the green.
“My chipping and driving were not as great today, but my putting was surprisingly decent,” Sai said. “I had five one-putts, so that really saved my score.”
Assistant coach Sean Tamashiro noted multiple improvements that could take the team’s game to a higher level.
“There were some highs and lows,” Tamashiro said. “I thought that the team scored pretty well, but there’s definitely areas of improvement that we need to focus on, specifically short game pitching and putting. But overall, I’m pretty pleased with the outcome and how we’re performing.”
Varsity girls golf currently holds an overall record of 6-0 and plays against Menlo and Crystal Springs at Boulder Ridge Country Club on Sept. 30.