Humans of Harker: A kick into the future
by Ritika Rajamani, TALON Business Manager and PDA Editor
• January 27, 2022

Humans of Harker: Cultivating confidence
by Kinnera Mulam, Reporter
• January 26, 2022

Humans of Harker: Eagle in flight
by Ariana Goetting, Reporter
• January 24, 2022
!["Instead of trying to cling on to my routine during the pandemic, I was like, ‘I can't live like this for the rest of my life.’ That's when I started to try and change things a little bit, [and] that made me proud of myself: being able to recognize that and [change] my mindset," Emma Cabral-Gurleroglu (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/EmmaGurlerogluHoH_OliviaXu-900x730.jpeg)
Humans of Harker: A change of pace
by Olivia Xu, Reporter
• January 21, 2022

Humans of Harker: Keys to compassion
by Lakshmi Mulgund, TALON Social Media and Co-Sports Editor
• January 20, 2022
!["[Painting] makes you feel like you're the only person in the world. The idea that I could do it for fun for myself has been the reason I like getting into it. [It’s] the idea of independence and doing things that you want to do. If you can't come up with a reason for [your decisions], then you should reevaluate how you've been living your life," Jackie Hu (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/jackiehuHoH_SmrithiSambamurthy-900x682.jpeg)
Humans of Harker: Reshaping escape
by Smrithi Sambamurthy, TALON People Editor
• January 19, 2022

Humans of Harker: Pedal to the metal
by Muthu Panchanatham, Opinions Editor
• January 18, 2022
![“I remember being interested and attracted to the idea that I could create something that I didn't see anywhere else. I didn't see anything [that] made adoption easier for the people who are trying to adopt, so that was the idea I was going forward [with] and that I wanted to develop [with Lucky Paw]," Ysabel Chen (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/ysabelchenhoh_lavanyasubramanian-595x900.png)
Humans of Harker: A dog’s best friend
by Lavanya Subramanian, TALON Student Life Editor
• January 14, 2022
!["I want to be remembered as someone in the community who is willing to talk with everybody, someone who connects with the underclassmen. Especially at cross country, I’ve made lots of friends, [from] freshman to seniors, and it was really awesome. I want to be remembered as someone who is open to everybody and is friends with everybody," Aidan Lincke (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/aidanlinckehoh_alenasuleiman-599x900.jpeg)
Humans of Harker: Crossroads and connections
by Alena Suleiman, Reporter
• January 13, 2022

Humans of Harker: Growth of a star
by Katie Reed, Reporter
• January 12, 2022

Humans of Harker: Free flow
by Julie Shi, Reporter
• January 11, 2022

Humans of Harker: Wisdom in WiSTEM
by Angelina Hu, Reporter
• January 10, 2022
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by Gabe Sachse, Aquila Managing Editor

by Cynthia Xie, A&E/Lifestyle Assistant Editor
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