Humans of Harker: Just keep swimming
by Michelle Wei, Angelina Hu, and Nicholas Wei
• July 1, 2021
![“Playing football, being a DECA mentor and leading spirit rallies ... I always had a lot of fun doing it, but it was only around the second half of junior year to now where I’ve witnessed the impact that I’ve made not only to my friends but to the underclassmen I've worked with,” Rohan said. “[It's] something that I never expected but it makes it worth it," Rohan Varma (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/rohanvarma_sabrinazhu_hoh-900x600.jpeg)
Humans of Harker: Touchdowns on the game of life
by Erica Cai and Michael Eng
• June 30, 2021
![“It's important to keep sight during that period of learning [of] why you decided to pick up the instrument in the first place ... If you're able to recognize that 'Hey, I'm doing this to build my technique, to play pieces that I want to play, to express myself emotionally however I want to,' you'll find that after a while, your instrument will stop fighting you," Wilson Zhang ('21) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/wilsonzhang_michaeleng_hoh-675x900.jpeg)
Humans of Harker: Soulful strumming
by Michael Eng and Nicholas Wei
• June 29, 2021

Humans of Harker: From a spark to a blaze
by Anna Vazhaeparambil and Erica Cai
• June 29, 2021
![“[Basketball] has given me confidence in my abilities and taught me to not hesitate, like shooting your shot in a game when you're open. That also translates to academics. [The sport] is a large part of who I am because a lot of my own traits, like being a little more confident or being more calm during stressful situations, I’ve learned from basketball,” Srivishnu Pyda (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/SrivishnuPyda_LavanyaSubramanian_HoHPhoto-628x900.jpeg)
Humans of Harker: A gym for the mind
by Saurav Tewari, Sports Reporter
• June 28, 2021

Humans of Harker: One story at a time
by Erica Cai, Humans of Harker Co-Managing Editor
• June 2, 2021

Humans of Harker: A picture is worth a thousand words
by Saloni Shah, Humans of Harker Editor-in-Chief
• May 31, 2021

Humans of Harker: Breaking a sweat
by Ethan Liu and Catherine Wong
• May 31, 2021
![“Emotions bring power to your words … In order to convince someone else of what you were saying, you have to fully believe in it and fully feel the emotions in your words to affect other people [and] convince them that what you're saying is true and has value,” Helen Li (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/HelenLi_SaloniShah-900x600.jpg)
Humans of Harker: The power of conversation
by Saloni Shah, Humans of Harker Editor-in-Chief
• May 27, 2021

Humans of Harker: Tackling challenges with grit
by Muthu Panchanatham, Co-Sports Editor
• May 27, 2021
![“I’ve always thought of myself as a leader. But [my experiences in high school] and the sense of responsibility have transformed me from someone who just had big ideas to someone who could actually see those ideas be implemented,” Lisa Barooah (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/LisaBarooah_AnnaVazhaeparambil_HoHPhoto-600x900.jpeg)
Humans of Harker: A vibrant presence
by Sarah Mohammed, Winged Post Asst. Features Editor
• May 27, 2021
![“There's a lot of poverty in Mexico, especially the part where we went, and it really made me see that there is so much handed to me. I felt bad about having this much when [other people] couldn't, and I felt a really strong moral conflict within me when I was comprehending all this. I was still trying to figure out who I was, and … that experience really shaped my perspective on the world in a lot of ways,” Chance Hewitt (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/ChanceHewitt_SydneyTakemoto_HoHPhoto-601x900.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Kicks and skates
by Claire Bauschlicher and Erica Cai
• May 26, 2021
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by Cynthia Xie, A&E/Lifestyle Assistant Editor
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