![“We all have feelings and we all think what we think and have the perspectives that we have because of where we came from, because of our upbringing, our experiences. If we live more in the gray of the world, people would realize that there's more to a person than just what [people] disagree on,” Aditi Bharti (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/AditiBharti_EricaCai_HoHPhoto-900x600.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Looking past the black and white
by Smrithi Sambamurthy, TALON Asst. Business Manager
• January 27, 2021
![“I'm most proud of being able to help young girls find their voice in STEM and [computer science] and helping them grow as not only coders but also as people. I got started because not many girls have the opportunity to grow up in STEM, so it's more giving other girls a chance to learn,” Hilari Fan (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/HilariFan_RachelNing_HoHPhoto-900x600.jpg)
Humans of Harker: A heart of fire and passion
by Rachel Ning, TALON Co-People Editor
• January 26, 2021
![“[Music] really helps unite people. There's just something really wonderful about how you can preserve that sense of humanity and connection. Even if the person who wrote or performed the music that you're listening to … is disjointed with you on your world views, you can still form this extremely personal connection with them,” Abbie Blenko (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/AbbieBlenko_AnoushkaBuch-900x596.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Music, the universal language
by Anika Mantripragada and Julie Shi
• January 26, 2021
![“Even if I’m not really good at [playing a song], I don’t just quit on it. There's this song called ‘Tom Sawyer’ by Rush, and for about nine or ten years I was trying to play that ... I remember the day I got that song down perfectly, and I was so happy. It just reinforced the idea in my brain that I can do things with hard work,” Nick Bereznak (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/NickBereznak_SydneyTakemoto_HoHPhoto-612x900.jpeg)
Humans of Harker: Business beats
by Carter Chadwick, TALON Co-Sports Editor
• January 25, 2021

Humans of Harker: Behind the scenes
by Sally Zhu, Humans of Harker Profiler
• January 13, 2021
![“With music, a lot of it is interpretation and making the music that you make into [a] style distinct to yourself. In research, your objective is to solve a problem or find an answer; the creativity plays in the sense of how you approach that, [which is] similar [to] music [in] how you interpret things or how you decide to make the mood of that piece,” Elizabeth Szeto (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ElizabethSzeto_ShreyaSrinivasan_HoHPhoto-e1610477299659-580x900.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Learning from others
by Shreya Srinivasan, TALON Co-Editor-in-Chief
• January 13, 2021
![“I'm trying to do the things that others haven't been able to do and take advantage of these opportunities. I [hope to] prove that … deviations from the norm aren't incorrect and they shouldn't be immediately rejected just because they're different. One thing you have to know about me is that I've had so many people who've said I couldn't do it, and here I am … I did the impossible,” Ellis Goldman (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/EllisGoldman_SallyZhu_HoHPhoto-900x666.jpg)
Humans of Harker: A force to be reckoned with
by Sally Zhu, Humans of Harker Profiler
• January 12, 2021
![“What I like most about [soccer] is just seeing my team improve along with me throughout the four years of high school because in freshman year, most of us were [junior varsity] … and just seeing us all progress to the varsity team and become varsity players, [is] what I enjoy most about it,” Tuhin Chatterjee (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/TuhinChatterjee_EshaGohil_HoHPhoto-596x900.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Friendly competition
by Isha Moorjani, Asst. News Editor
• January 8, 2021
![“[People] want to start a discourse and talk about things with people with other interests and different viewpoints. As I’ve realized the openings and the gaps and ... the opportunities I have been afforded, I’ve done all that I could to provide these platforms to other people and open new doors that wouldn’t have been opened otherwise,” Arushi Saxena (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ArushiSaxena_NicoleTian_HoHPhoto-600x900.jpeg)
Humans of Harker: Creating platforms
by Nicole Tian, Opinion Editor
• January 7, 2021

Humans of Harker: Hiking for headspace
by Shinjan Ghosh, TALON Co-Student Life Editor
• January 6, 2021
![“I really [believe in] having a moral code that rubs off on other people and makes other people better in your presence. Generally, people reflect the energy you give them, so you can expect whatever you're giving out,” Jason Hoang (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/JasonHoang_KatieWang_HoHPhoto-675x900.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Live, laugh, learn
by Katie Wang, TALON Asst. Photo Editor
• January 5, 2021

Humans of Harker: Beyond the basics
by Tina Xu, TALON Photo Editor
• January 5, 2021
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by Cynthia Xie, A&E/Lifestyle Assistant Editor
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