Spirit Week 2015: A tradition continues
Students reach for snow cones after school. Spirit Club handed out free food to students every day after school.
Pajamas, tie-dye and monochrome are among the themes of this year’s Spirit Week. The Upper School tradition consists of five days of dress-up food, competitions and a Friday spirit rally.
“It’s fun to see people get excited and forget about stress and have fun and all and play games and laugh,” Student Activities Coordinator and Community Service Director Kerry Enzensperger said.
This year’s Spirit Week began with Pajama Day on Monday with cereal offered as food and sleeping bag races as the spirit event. Pajama Day with sleeping bag races was also held in 2013.
On Tuesday, students donned tie-dye shirts participating in Twister during lunch and eating free snow cones after school. Students had the opportunity to tie-dye shirts on April 16. Read more about Tuesday’s spirit events here.

Arben Gutierrez-Bujari (10) poses as he prepares to hand out free snow cones to students after school. Spirit Club provides free snacks for students after school every day this week.
Wednesday’s theme was “Wacky Wednesday,” with powderpuff as the spirit event. In powderpuff, girls play football and boys cheer. As it is more common for boys to play football and girls to cheer, powderpuff provides a reversal of expectations.
“Overall I just felt that it was a really riveting experience, being able to support all your classmates and cheering them on in an experience that you don’t really get to participate in very often,” Jimmy Lin (9) said. “I feel like that’s just the underlying concept behind what powderpuff really stands for.”
Powderpuff is also a Spirit Week tradition. Read about past events in 2012, 2013 and 2014 on Harker Aquila.
Each class has chosen its own theme for Thursday. Seniors will dress up as twins, juniors with the colors red, white and blue, sophomores as superheroes and freshmen in monochrome clothing.
Thursday’s spirit events include several recurring events such as the regatta and belly flop contest. The class of 2015 has won the regatta thrice. Read about their victories as sophomores in 2013 and again as juniors in 2014.
This year, before the regatta, students from each grade racing across the pool in search of plastic items. Students and faculty then competed in an inner tube relay, followed by a belly flop contest. One boy and one girl will win the belly flop contest and receive an In-N-Out Burger lunch. The regatta itself concluded the set of spirit events for the day.
Powderpuff and regatta have been part of spirit week for more than a decade, Enzensperger said.
On Friday, Spirit Week will conclude with a spirit rally. The class dance competition, also held in previous years, will return. The theme is class T-shirts and yellow, the class colors for this year’s seniors.

Praveen Batra (9) is a reporter for the Winged Post. He enjoys informative writing, design, and typography. In his spare time, he likes to write mobile...