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The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

“All the stories present, in a way, different views of the world. And to some extent, they're all true. They're all just looking at different parts of life and the world. I think for most of my life, [reading stories] has been a way to explore the world and explore things that I otherwise would never know about,” Pascal Han (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Learning the universe through color and dimension

by Sarah Mohammed, Asst. Features Editor December 2, 2020

Holding a sharpened charcoal pencil in their loose fist that rests on a clean piece of paper, Pascal Han (12) stares into the distance, lips pursed, as they begin to outline in their mind a sketch of fan...

“I came into water polo not knowing anything, and this is part of why I’m so grateful to my team. I’m able to serve as a role model not necessarily because of how good I am, but just because of character … and I’m able to give an example to my teammates where I can be a role model on how to improve,” James Pflaging (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Driven dedication

by Carter Chadwick, TALON Co-Sports Editor December 1, 2020

With the cool breeze greeting the players stepping out of the pool after the intense water polo game, James Pflaging (12) already begins to take mental notes in preparation for the next game. In order...

“The way I see myself and [what] I pride myself [in] is not be[ing] subjected to one group of friends. Now, it’s tougher to do so online, but I still have another semester. I just want to end on a good note with everyone, and I don’t want to hold grudges or any regrets,” Anmol Velagapudi (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Time well spent

by Alysa Suleiman, A&E Editor November 20, 2020

He’s the quiet kid, modest and a good listener. But he knows everyone in the grade, and everyone knows him.  The considerable shift from middle school to high school brings with it considerable changes,...

“The longer I’ve been running, the more I love it. I feel like it’s taught me so many life lessons, and it’s always pushing me to be my best on and off the field. I do it everyday because I like it so much, but on top of that, you can be so much more. I’m still a student and everything, and [I have] a normal life,” Anna Weirich (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Step by step

by Anika Mani, TALON Co-Student Life Editor November 18, 2020

A school of clouds sprinkle across the sky, creating a layer of fog just thin enough to reveal the entire San Francisco Bay. Birds chirp quietly, and the dry grass sways gently in the warm afternoon wind....

“I’m not a very outgoing person, so music is a way for me to speak out in a different way — through music instead of words. I think it’s a way for me to conquer my shyness. Although I’m not the most confident in my playing skill, compared to speaking, music has been a mouthpiece for me to convey my own thoughts,” Varun Mangla (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Conquering through humility

by Nicholas Wei, Humans of Harker Profiler November 17, 2020

Standing with his feet spaced evenly apart, his lips pressed gently against the mouthpiece of his trombone, Varun Mangla (12) gazes thoughtfully before beginning to play. Powerful, soulful notes emanate...

“[I've always had] a fear of not doing well [which was influenced by] the definition of the stereotype that we hold at Harker. It's something I grew out of by senior year ... I realized [that] we're all just in this together and what happens in our lives happens. It's all about how I choose to present myself. It's not about what other people may think,” Julia Yusupov (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Reimagine the possibilities

by Ritika Rajamani, TALON Academics Editor November 13, 2020

Resting on the hill near her house in her newly thrifted clothes, Julia Yusupov (12) stares out into the distance, the view calming her. Smiling, she lets go of all the worries in her head, preparing herself...

“I really love photography, especially wildlife photography ... [Recently,] I haven’t been able to get outside as much, but it was just fun to create last year. In my sophomore year, I did something related to photography and robotics — I led media and created the videos. That was a lot of fun and that’s what drew me into videography and photography,” Arthur Jakobsson (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Amicable and dependable

by Tiffany Chang, TALON Conservatory Editor November 12, 2020

Nearly all Harker students have the Harker Bell Schedule bookmarked on their browsers, but do you know who helped develop the website? Arthur Jakobsson (12) has dedicated hours of his time to perfect this...

“I used to live in New Jersey for the first ten years of my life, then I moved to California, so I had three different schools ever since coming to California. But my swim team … was like my second family. I knew everybody on the team for a long time. Even newcomers who came to the team later: they were embraced really quickly and [the] bond we had — it was pretty strong,” Matthew Chung (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Timed strokes

by Irene Yuan, Multimedia Editor November 6, 2020

Wearing a pair of blue goggles, Matthew Chung (12) raises himself out of the water with ease. Smoothly dipping in and out of the water, he betrays no sign that the temperature of the water is different...

“I find it to be a lot better when you discover something [yourself] … rather than trying to do everything in a really shallow way. Having that interest in whatever you like to do can help you generate better ideas and have better experiences … especially when you’re passionate about something, rather than trying to follow either other people or what is common," Bowen Yin (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Self-discovery to success

by Mark Hu, STEM Editor November 5, 2020

Sitting at a plain, wooden table in the corner of the bustling upper school library and surrounded by high schoolers scrunched over their laptops, Bowen Yin (12) types away on his computer, adding in the...

“Being able to be vulnerable is something that my mom has taught me. It is necessary to, at times, not be okay, and it’s important to still accept yourself in those moments. Especially when we grow up around a culture where it's not okay to cry, or to let yourself slip ...  it's hard not to make work about that, because that is such a defining point of my life," Farah Hosseini (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Love yourself

by Michelle Liu, Winged Post Design Editor November 4, 2020

A soft melody begins to oscillate slowly from the piano, recalling a musical sequence heavy with nostalgia. Crisp musical notes cut through a bright, wavering melody of piano chords, slowly intensifying...

“[Music] is worth it because it's something that's for myself, and it's something that I genuinely have found myself to enjoy. It's a great way for me to express my own creativity and explore and learn about myself in the process,” Santoshi Tirumala (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Conversation isn’t always spoken

by Lakshmi Mulgund, TALON Asst. Sports Editor November 3, 2020

“How’s your day been? How’s online school?” Santoshi Tirumala (12) asks while taking off her mask to reveal an authentic, caring smile. Subconsciously, her extroverted personality kicks in, and...

“I feel like volunteering is always important. I know Harker has the volunteering requirements, but honestly if they didn’t have that, I would still be volunteering because it’s just helping your community, which is something I’m passionate about. I want to work in the medical field when I’m older, which is also helping people, and I just feel like they fit together well,” Sophie Durn (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Always there for you

by Isha Moorjani, Winged Post Asst. News Editor November 2, 2020

A light splash of water echoes as Sophie Durn (12) dives into the crystal clear water, clearing her mind and drowning out people’s cheers from above. A myriad of tiny bubbles follow her hands as she...

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