![“I don’t really care about being remembered, I think it’s mostly what I leave behind. I really believe in action over words, and I would want the clubs that I’m part of to keep on thriving after I leave. I really hope that the Linguistics Club continues to stay alive after I’m gone—I really want [it] to continue and grow,” Luisa Pan (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/LuisaPan_SabrinaZhu_HoHPhoto-900x651.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Words with purpose and encouragement
by Sabrina Zhu, Humans of Harker Profiler
• April 26, 2021
![“You can't do [Pokemon] alone. I think of the phrase, ‘You gotta catch them all.’ You can catch them all, but you can't catch them all by yourself. You got to have your friends there to bounce ideas off of, to create new strategies and make it all super enjoyable,” Preston Ellis (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/PrestonEllis_SaraYen_HoHPhoto-900x675.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Friends, the true trump card
by Sara Yen, Winged Post Co-Editor-in-Chief
• April 26, 2021
![“[The Notre Dame-Belmont tournament] shifted how I saw being on a team. You don't have to be on the court to contribute; you're important no matter where you are. It was almost a turning point of the season where we started doing really well afterwards … I started to like even cheering on the bench,” Emma Dionne (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/EmmaDionne_ShreyaSrinivasan_HoHPhoto-525x900.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Acing life as an athlete
by Tina Xu, TALON Co-Sports Editor
• April 26, 2021

Humans of Harker: A beautiful blend of philosophy and fiction
by Erica Cai, Humans of Harker Co-Managing Editor
• April 23, 2021
![“One of the most important things that one can do is using what you have to do real good,” Deven said. “In helping [someone] or in achieving X, Y and Z, it's not about, ‘It's going to make me more famous or it's going to make me more money.’ It's more, ‘Is this going to actually make a difference?’” Deven Parikh (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/DevenParikh_NicholasWei_HoHPhoto-675x900.jpg)
Humans of Harker: From another angle
by Claire Su and Brittany Tsui
• April 23, 2021
![“I don't think I've ever been pushed more in a role than I had for [Marvin's Room] because not only was I in every single scene, I was majorly featured in every single scene. It was a character who’s so different from me, in every single way that I really had to get more creative about how I portrayed her. After I did that role, I fell into this mindset of, ‘Okay, I'm an actor now’ because before I really saw myself as a singer who acts sometimes,” Vaishnavi Murari (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/VaishnaviMurari_ShreyaSrinivasan_HoHPhoto-e1619191881603-773x900.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Time to shine
by Shreya Srinivasan, TALON Co-Editor-in-Chief
• April 23, 2021

Humans of Harker: Embracing all outlets
by Isha Moorjani, Asst. News Editor
• April 22, 2021
![“Everything I do, I do it because I really love it. And I really wish other people could also see the joy and sublimity that I find in some disciplines, like math [and] biology. [I want to] help show students who are not as interested in those activities, the power and beauty of sciences,” Sidra Xu (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/SidraXu_SallyZhu_HoHPhoto-900x600.jpg)
Humans of Harker: STEMming from introspection
by Sally Zhu, Humans of Harker Profiler
• April 22, 2021

Humans of Harker: Speaking through art
by Carter Chadwick, TALON Co-Sports Editor
• April 22, 2021

Humans of Harker: Cultural connoisseur
by Muthu Panchanatham, Co-Sports Editor
• April 21, 2021

Humans of Harker: Making a happy difference
by Lucy Ge, Winged Post News Editor
• April 21, 2021

Humans of Harker: Medium with meaning
by Shinjan Ghosh, TALON Co-Student Life Editor
• April 21, 2021
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by Cynthia Xie, A&E/Lifestyle Assistant Editor
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