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Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

“A big challenge that I had to overcome for percussion was becoming less afraid of mistakes. When you're the loudest in the room, every mistake you make is going to be amplified a hundredfold. But in order to play your part, you're going to have to just go for it. That spirit has really developed because of percussion, but has carried over to other areas of my life,” Jacob Huang (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Orchestrating community

by Felix Chen, Asst. News Editor February 17, 2023

Staring intently at a small triangle, Jacob Huang (12) strikes it with a metal rod, sending a rich, resonant ring throughout the orchestra room. He wears a look of concentration as a mellifluous rhythm...

“Guitar tells you that you have to gauge your progress against not what you're doing now, but what you tried to do in the past. If you feel like you haven't improved at something, or if you feel like you're not getting better at something, you have to gauge yourself against how you used to be and keep an open perspective. That also carries over to life in the sense that you can always check how much you've improved. Chances are, you have improved even if you're not aware of it,” Vikram Mani (12) said.

Humans of Harker: In tune with the mind

by Kevin Zhang, Asst. Sports Editor February 16, 2023

Vikram Mani (12) recalls how the melody of a Frank Sinatra song “My Way” resonated in the atmosphere as he played his guitar, performing for his grandfather’s 80th birthday in front of nearly two...

“I stuck with computer science because it has so many real world applications that other disciplines don’t. You can make so many different inferences about a real world situation like basketball given just a bit of data,” Rishi Cherukuri (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Programming positivity

by Edward Huang, Co-STEM Editor February 16, 2023

For Rishi Cherukuri (12), computer science extends far beyond the tedious grind of coding competitions and idle entertainment. Instead, the subject represents a gateway to meaningful insights, an opportunity...

“I like photographing people a lot because of the connection you can form with them, especially if you have a conversation with them. While you're taking photos of them, you're able to get to know them a lot more. After taking the photograph, that acts as a bond between two people,” Vasudha Subramanian (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Heart for service

by Emma Milner, Asst. Sports Editor February 15, 2023

Whether it be striking up a conversation with people on the street, helping peers in the classroom or even simply bringing her friends their lunch, Vasudha Subramanian (12) always has her eyes open for...

“As a freshman, I was a really shy person and scared to talk to new people. Cross country is the main reason why I have improved my social skills and became more confident in who I was as a person. I enjoy it so much because although it can be draining and painful, the feeling you get after you complete a hard workout or race is the best reward,” Kara Kister (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Chasing personal bests

by Vivian Chen, TALON Reporter February 15, 2023

Whether you’re sifting through emails from upper school athletic director Dan Molin, browsing through the Harker Athletics instagram page or listening to the Eagle Update during school meetings, you’re...

"I don't have it all boiled down to a motto. I don't really go with the flow. One of my favorite things about myself is how much time I take to consider things. I like being very intentional and thoughtful. I stay focused on what I can control, which is the present and the future," Aneesha Asthana (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Intentionality in identity

by Alison Yang, Asst. A&E and Lifestyle Editor February 14, 2023

What defines a person? Some would argue their actions. Others would say their peers. CollegeBoard would say 5 awards and 10 extracurriculars. Is it their path to the present? Aneesha Asthana’s (12) journey...

“[Foreign policy has helped me think] more outside of my personal bubble. When I see something now, I think more about not just how this is affecting us, but how this affects the world more broadly. Recently, there was the economic crisis of gas and oil — that doesn't just affect the US, it affects Europe,” Dilsher Dhaliwal (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Thinking beyond borders

by Margaret Cartee, Opinions Editor February 14, 2023

While international relations meetings occur every day, only the most important ones become mainstream enough to capture the general public’s attention. But these decisions have far-reaching impacts...

“Golf is a controversial sport with stereotypes attached to it. Growing up, I was always embarrassed to say I [play] golf because of that. Being an Asian girl in the sport is my way of trying to change the game and inspiring other people to hopefully get into golf. It's interesting when I have to play with others and I can hit further than any of them, and that’s when they start thinking that I’m somebody worthy to be their competition,” Claire Chen (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Swinging with style

by Katelyn Zhao, Sports Editor February 14, 2023

On any given day, Claire Chen (12) could be spotted wearing a neutral-colored knit, baggy pants and leather jacket paired with a messenger bag and black leather boots. Or a babydoll dress with cream and...

“Everyone has to do their job and everything needs to work together for the team to be successful. On and off the court, it's always fun to be around the team. Off the court, we're making jokes and having fun, and on the court, we know how to be serious and play,” Tyler Beede (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Positivity packs the points

by Claire Zhao, Asst. Copy Editor February 13, 2023

It’s the final playoff round of the varsity boys volleyball Division 3 Central Coast Section (CCS) tournament. Zhang Gymnasium carries an air of anticipation and nervousness, with only the squeaks of...

“Art taught me that I can be good at things in different ways from other people. Art is really subjective, so there isn’t one way to go about it. Once I realized this, I started seriously thinking about art as something I could do for the rest of my life,” Vivian Bi (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Sketching a new self-image

by Ella Yee, Co-News Editor February 12, 2023

“You can talk to her whenever.” “I could tell her everything about myself.” “I drop my barriers when I’m around her.” When asked to describe Vivian Bi (12), people immediately point out her...

“I've always been interested in making an impact on the world. It’s why I do outside climate activism: because I'm really passionate about not burning in the future,” Laurie Jin (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Machining for change

by Victor Gong, Asst. STEM Editor February 12, 2023

Loud, mechanical whirring fills the dimly-lit robotics lab as metal shavings fly out of the lathe, collecting on the rusty metal base below. With safety goggles on and her hair tied back, Laurie Jin (12)...

“I've had a lot of life experiences, good and bad, so I really try to help people as much as I can in situations where you need someone to talk to. I want people to remember how much I tried to help people and be there for others,” Nick Delfino (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Rounding the bases of success

by Smrithi Sambamurthy, TALON Sports Editor February 11, 2023

Nicholas “Nick” Delfino (12) recalls the pivotal final game of the Central Coast Section (CCS) baseball championship. The team entered the last inning down by nine runs but rallied to secure an impressive...

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