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The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Female biology was generally over-looked before recent women's movements in medicine. Modern medical researchers have made significant strides in studying women’s health within the last fifty years.

Biased research persists in women’s healthcare

by Claire Tian and Elizabeth Zhang March 26, 2025

Modern medical researchers have made significant strides in studying women’s health within the last fifty years, like the recognition of post-partum depression and the investigation of cardiac disease...

Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology teacher Anita Chetty uses a probe to guide a group in examining a specific part of the rat. Throughout the dissection, she checked in with each group to ensure they could clearly identify the structures.

Human Anatomy and Physiology classes conduct rat dissection

by Aryana Bharali and Isabella Lo September 27, 2024

Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology (HAPy) students took part in a two-week rat dissection to reinforce their understanding of internal structures and organs. Students rotated between the roles of chief...

Students gathered in the Nichols auditorium to learn about Synopsys guidelines and requirements. Only 15 RRI and 15 non-RRI projects are allowed to be submitted through the application process.

Synopsys interest meeting promotes student-led scientific research

by Ashley Mo and Jonathan Szeto September 11, 2024

Around 100 students attended a meeting to discuss the Synopsys Science Fair application requirements in the Nichols Auditorium last Wednesday. The Synopsys Science Fair is an annual science and engineering...

WiSTEM members prepare to start the AI workshop on Feb. 23. Volunteers discussed logistics like screen sharing and changes in the Google Slides before the workshop.

WiSTEM shares STEM knowledge in TechGirlz AI workshop

by Ashley Mo and Mendy Mao March 6, 2024

Women in STEM Club hosted a virtual TechGirlz AI workshop about AI algorithms and applications on Feb. 2 from 4-6 p.m. and on Feb. 23 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. WiSTEM members led the event, and 26 girls...

Studies conducted by white scientists on unknowning minority communities imprinted long-lasting distrust
for medical instituions. Such studies include those conducted on the Havasupai Indians and Black men in the Tuskegee experiment.

Culture of negligence: Flaws in minorities’ healthcare persist

by Hima Thota, Co-Features Editor February 29, 2024

Medicine in the United States stands as an exemplar for medical breakthroughs throughout the global medical community. But underneath the history of the United States’ success in medicine lies the systematic...

Various element samples sit in the new periodic table installment in Nichols Hall. “We've been trying to make the building a place that invites students to come and learn more than what we're teaching them in the classroom,” upper school science department head Anita Chetty said.

New periodic table in Nichols Hall contains real element samples

by Vivek Moorjani, Reporter October 13, 2023

A new periodic table exhibit was installed on the upper level of Nichols Hall after the 2022-2023 school year’s final exams. The table offers students an opportunity to see physical samples of several...

Audience members listen attentively to upper school science department head Anita Chetty during the non-RRI portion of the upper school's annual Synopsys information meeting. Chetty went over Harker's project selection guidelines as well as key dates.

Upper school hosts Synopsys meeting on science fair guidelines

by Andrew Liang and Tiffany Zhu September 10, 2023

Around 80 upper school students attended the Synopsys information meeting in the Nichols Auditorium on Aug. 25 to learn about the application process and guidelines for the science fair.  Upper...

A Blue Tang fish swims in the fish tank in Nichols Hall. The tank’s current fish residents also include African Blue Spotted Rabbitfish, Flame Angels, Atlantic Blue Tangs and Yellow Damsels among many other living creatures such as sea urchins and a red and green brittle starfish.

Fishing into the depths of Nichols: Decade-old fish tank brings vitality to building

by Yifan Li and Alison Yang October 4, 2022

They are watching. Students might spare them a glance on the way to class or tap on the glass to watch them scatter or stare at them during a class break. Maybe they start to wonder about their names,...

Students listen as Mrs. Chetty walks through the Synopsys guidelines. The informational meeting for the Synopsys fair and Regeneron Science Talent Search research competitions took place on Friday in the Nichols Auditorium.

Upper school science department holds annual Synopsys and Regeneron informational meeting

by Sidak Sanghari and Vika Gautham September 6, 2022

Upper school science department head Anita Chetty and research teacher Chris Spenner held the Synopsys and Regeneron informational meeting for students in the Nichols Auditorium on Friday at 3:10 p.m. The...

Using a stylus, upper school science department chair and biology teacher Anita Chetty selects certain features on the body to be visible. The table also allows the user to place labels on body organisms, view the flow of blood in the veins, and take a quiz on the anatomy of the cadaver.

Anatomage table facilitates interactive learning and study of the human body

by Young Min, Sidak Sanghari, and Sabrina Zhu June 4, 2022

An image of a dissected human body with red, flowing blood vessels and ivory-colored bones is displayed on a large table, about six feet long and two feet wide. Upper school science department chair and...

Third-grader Sofia Mohammed received her first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on Nov. 12. The FDA officially authorized the emergency use of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children from 5-11 years old with a 91% efficacy rate on Oct. 29.

COVID-19 vaccination mandates enforced in New Zealand, Italy and United States

by Ananya Sriram and Brandon Zau December 1, 2021

New Zealand and Italy placed new vaccine mandates and authorized more vaccines in October to increase vaccination amongst education and healthcare workers. As of Nov. 3, the United States has reported...

A nurse prepares a Pfizer booster shot at the San Jose Valley Medical Center on October 18. After preparation, the booster can then be administered to elderly and immunocompromised citizens.

FDA approves Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson booster shots, administration currently underway

by Edward Huang, Reporter October 26, 2021

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) declared COVID-19 booster shots from Pfizer to be safe for individuals over the age of 65, people with compromised immune systems and essential workers on Sept. 22...

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