Special schedule accommodates ReCreate Reading, ASB speeches, senior meeting
Avi Gulati (11), who is running uncontested for ASB president, delivers his speech to close out yesterday’s assembly. Avi and five other juniors are running for five positions on the ASB council next year.
April 17, 2019
ASB candidates gave their speeches to freshmen, sophomores and juniors in the Athletic Center today in place of school meeting, after fifth period. Results from the election will be announced Thursday, and all but two candidates are running uncontested.
For President, the candidate is Avi Gulati (11); for Vice President, the candidates are Roma Gandhi (11) and David Feng (11); for Treasurer, Evan Cheng (11); for Secretary, Alyssa Huang (11) and for Spirit Coordinator, Vance Hirota (11).
The underclassmen and juniors could then vote for next year’s ASB in the journalism room during lunch. Honor Council members supervised the elections, and the election results will be announced by school meeting on Thursday.
After the speeches, students dispersed to short ReCreate Reading group meetings, for the 63 titles selected by teachers for students to read over the summer. Students registered for different ReCreate Reading groups from March 25 to March 28, and the discussion groups will meet again on August 29, including three author visits and two author Skype calls.
While the other students went to the ASB speeches and ReCreate Reading meetings, seniors listened to a presentation from the librarians Lauri Vaughan, Meredith Cranston and Amy Pelman about using libraries in college. Math department chair and senior trip organizer Anthony Silk discussed details of the senior trip, and Lori Villarreal and head of school Butch Keller announced about baccalaureate and graduation.