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The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Due to the rigorous academic expectations in high school and plethora of extracurriculars that students participate in, they can easily get burnt out and sleep-deprived. Staying up all night to study can later harm students’ ability to learn in a vicious cycle.

Rest days or risking burnout?

by Ashley Mo and Mendy Mao November 21, 2024

An alarm rings at 7 a.m. A student forces their eyes open, exhausted from staying up until 4 a.m. the night before to finish their history project, skim over their English reading and complete their chemistry...

Kallie Wang (11), Neel Kumar (10) and Pascal Qin (10) announce the upcoming Harker Physics Invitational. Winners can receive up to $1000 in cash.

School Meeting 11/12: Honor Council, Bookopoly and Capriccio

by Sam Li and Cynthia Xie November 17, 2024

Dean of Students Kevin Williamson opened school meeting on Tuesday by reminding students to not eat inside academic buildings. He urged students to not leave trays and silverware around academic buildings...

ASB Treasurer Ananya Pradhan (11) explains the school's fundraising policies. She noted that the school does not provide direct reimbursements to students hosting fundraisers.

School Meeting 10/24: HELM, Afghan Refugee Fundraiser and lockdown protocol

by Emma Li and Claire Tian October 26, 2024

Head of Upper School Paul Barsky opened the school meeting on Thursday in the Zhang Gymnasium. Barsky announced that designated teachers would start giving warnings and confiscating phones from students...

Last-minute merges at the entrance before school or improper turns onto the highway and Saratoga Avenue as students and parents leave school constitute a danger to the community. With only one entrance and exit to campus, drivers often make unsafe decisions to save time.

Editorial: Irresponsible driving endangers community

by Editorial Board March 28, 2024

The final school bell chimes at 3 p.m. Within minutes, students flood Harker’s loading zones, and traffic slows while cars fill the exit lanes. As the traffic lights switch to green, a turning car suddenly...

A 5.1 magnitude earthquake hit 12 miles east of the San Jose upper school campus yesterday at 11:42 a.m. The campus suffered no damage to the property and continued the school day as scheduled after the incident.

5.1 magnitude earthquake shakes San Jose

by Felix Chen and Kinnera Mulam October 26, 2022

A 5.1 magnitude earthquake struck 12 miles east of the San Jose upper school campus yesterday at 11:42 a.m. Three aftershocks followed yesterday at magnitudes 2.9 at 11:47 a.m., 3.5 at 3:08 p.m. and...

Research Club officers Brian Chen (12) and Alex Lan (12) introduce the Synopsys Information Session at yesterday's school meeting. The meeting also included information about the Dance Production, a sports recap, and several club announcements.

School meeting recap 9/9/22: Quadchella, Dance Production and emergency drills

by Shareen Chahal, Reporter September 10, 2022

Associated Student Body (ASB) President Kris Estrada (12) opened the school meeting yesterday. The ASB Student Events Committee, led by Ella Lan (11), Jacob Huang (12) and Sam Parupudi (10), started...

Elvis Han (12) adds a chair to the barricade of Upper School Science Department Chair Anita Chetty's period 6 Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology class on Monday. Upper school students and staff participated in a “Run, Hide and Defend” drill to practice emergency response protocol from 10:20 to 10:50 a.m. on Monday.

Upper school community practices lockdown drill

by Isha Moorjani, News Editor April 20, 2022

Additional reporting by Kinnera Mulam.  Upper school students and staff participated in a “Run, Hide and Defend” drill to practice emergency response protocol during sixth period on Monday from...

Associated Student Body (ASB) Vice President Ayan Nath speaks after he and other members of student council presented a video on cleanliness on campus during lunch. "The other day, I was walking by, I heard someone say, 'Oh, my God, we go to Harker, we can't afford to buy more forks? There's such a shortage of forks.' And that's because you're throwing the forks away."

School meeting recap 9/10/21: 9/11 remembrance, self-study APs and Eagle Update

by Rachel Ning, TALON Organizations Editor September 13, 2021

Associated Student Body (ASB) President Dawson Chen (12) began the school meeting by introducing upper school Academic Dean Kelly Horan.  Horan discussed the importance of communication with teachers,...

Students stand in the lunch line trailing into the quad on Aug. 23. Due to Harker’s COVID-19 practices in trying to limit student numbers indoors, faculty have been trying to keep the line inside as short as possible, leading to longer lines outside.

Campus crowding: Did longer lines lead to seating shortage?

by Sally Zhu, A&E and Lifestyle Editor September 10, 2021

During the first weeks of school, students have crowded in lunch lines stretching from Manzanita all the way to the Quad, and the traffic has been worse, with students showing up late to class. The crowding...

Class of 2021 finishes high school career with baccalaureate and graduation

by Nicole Tian, Co-Editor-In-Chief June 2, 2021

The class of 2021 walked across the stage at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga to receive their diplomas in front of a socially distanced audience on Saturday, May 22. The first event at the site in 14 months,...

In a subtle but vibrant manner, Gina Partridge (12) uses her socks as an outlet for her fashion style. Accessories are another important aspect of design and style.

Fall fashion: Where colors meet comfort

by Alysa Suleiman, Sports Reporter September 18, 2019

Along with the bustle of students transitioning into their back-to-school lifestyles, the outfits and accessories of students seem to be evolving from summer style to fall fashion.  Among upper school...

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