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The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Harker’s consistent success in the college admissions process bolsters its reputation as a “college prep” school –– even one meriting a $64,800 a year and growing price tag. But are we getting our money’s worth?

Editorial: College counseling and students need to reconnect

by Editorial Board February 6, 2025

“The Harker School: K-12 College Prep.”  Harker’s consistent success in the college admissions process bolsters its reputation as a “college prep” school –– even one meriting a $64,800...

We ultimately live with other people, not news segments or trending threads. Whether at a club meeting, work or community event, find comfort in commonalities you share with others: beliefs, hobbies and anxieties alike.

Editorial: Community action carves path past election

by Editorial Board November 22, 2024

For the past year, the presidential election embedded itself into our daily lives. Whether scrolling through social media, chatting at dinner or debating during class discussions, political tensions rose...

Fifty-nine percent of student respondents spent upwards of $150 on textbooks for the upcoming year and 29% of students spent over $300. The lack of value that students find in some textbooks, however, invalidates their price. 

Editorial: Textbook underutilization reveals flaws in course materials planning

by Editorial Board August 28, 2024

Scanning the MBS online bookstore for the school year’s course materials, one word jumps off the screen: REQUIRED. The bright red font and all-caps letters precede each title. You check the box labeled:...

Volunteering impact also does not need to be confined to a set amount of time or awards. If we encourage students to approach their nonprofit work with longevity in mind, they are more likely to carry on their work, furthering acts of volunteerism in their community.

Editorial: Resume-building diminishes commitment to community service

by Editorial Board May 16, 2024

Scrolling through Instagram, numerous abandoned nonprofit accounts emerge. Initiatives that were once active during a student’s time in high school now lie dormant. These accounts cast doubt on the extent...

Outside Dobbins or in the Main hallway, friends huddle together in groups, exchanging information on an imminent exam. Most students would not consider this cheating, despite clearly violating the honor code.

Editorial: Cheating shapes culture of unhealthy competition

by Editorial Board February 9, 2024

A calculus test question for an English one, or an AP United States History multiple choice answer for the physics free response. Outside Dobbins or in the Main hallway, friends huddle together in groups,...

The reaction of the public, especially those in power, amplifies a serious message in today’s public forum: Speak at your own risk.

Editorial: Division reveals First Amendment’s fragility

by Editorial Board November 18, 2023

The opportunity to engage in civil, respectful discourse is a privilege we share at Harker. The Israel-Hamas conflict has made it clear that this privilege is not prevalent outside of Harker, and that...

Leaving students out of the circle of communication means leaving them entirely in the dark during a potential life or death situation.

Editorial: Lack of transparency creates danger

by Editorial Board October 13, 2023

Students crouched on the floor as they waited in silence during the lockdown on Sept. 13 without knowing the events taking place beyond the classroom walls. At 3:25 p.m., the public address (PA) system...

While it would be unrealistic to ask students to deprioritize academics, maintaining a high academic standard does not require forgoing activities like sports games.

Editorial: Low sports attendance harms Harker community

by Editorial Board October 4, 2023

Shoulder pads collide as a Harker football player drives against their opponent to break a tackle in a close game. To an observer, it looks as if the sideline has been frozen in time. Teammates hold their...

“Affirmative action” has transformed into a buzzword, ironically leaving behind the nuances of the policy and transforming into a reason to blame others.

Editorial: Narratives distort affirmative action

by Editorial Board September 12, 2023

In an environment as dedicated to excelling in the college admissions process as Harker, every policy and factor matters. Affirmative action always stood out, bringing the topic to center stage this June....

Not only should we accept when others disagree with us, we need to actively seek out other opinions and encourage the sharing of different perspectives. To accomplish this, we need to acknowledge the gaps in our own knowledge and use the resources and people around us to gain a better understanding of our community.

Editorial: Diversity of thought promotes inclusivity

by Editorial Board June 6, 2023

Can schools be places of free inquiry while remaining safe harbors for learning? Schools across the country grapple with the balance between promoting ideas reflecting the beliefs of their student body...

When the main objective for an Advanced Placement (AP) course is completing a final exam, success no longer involves learning or curiosity; instead, success comes in the form of a number between one and five.

Editorial: AP courses undermine students’ learning

by Editorial Board March 8, 2023

When the main objective for an Advanced Placement (AP) course is completing a final exam, success no longer involves learning or curiosity; instead, success comes in the form of a number between one and...

Although empty space during the day may not seem to help students’ productivity, it actually trains them to allocate their time wisely. In particular, the absence of a mandatory activity during the morning block can shorten the long list of tasks students must complete each day, lessening their burden bit by bit.

Editorial: Leave more open space in schedule

by Editorial Board February 6, 2023

Of the 75% of Harker Journalism Editorial Board members who voted, 92% agreed with the stance of this editorial. What was supposed to be a fun spirit event to celebrate student athletics at the end...

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