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Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Character.AI simulates connection by offering affirmations and remembering details from past conversations. Users start relying on chatbots instead of real people, and that level of dependency can be very risky.

Character AI exploits vulnerability, endangers users with false companionship

by Ashley Mo, STEM Editor November 22, 2024

Trigger warning for topics of suicide, self-harm and sexual language. When it comes to Artificial Intelligence (AI), I’ve seen its benefits firsthand, from explaining calculus questions to...

The competitive culture Harker students have established exacerbates the pressure they feel when overwhelmed. Often times, this leads to cheating on tests or quizzes.

Shortcutting success

by Ashley Mo and Mihir Kotbagi November 21, 2024

Five minutes left on the clock. As the second hand ticks, a student racks their brain, attempting to remember how many carbon dioxide molecules are produced in cellular respiration. As they turn around...

As more people turn to ChatGPT and other AI tools like Google’s Gemini and Anthropic’s Claude, increased usage poses the increased threat of droughts. Global AI demand is projected to rise exponentially to over $1.5 trillion by 2030.

Global Reset: AI revolution or climate devastation?

by Ashley Mo and Jonathan Szeto October 12, 2024

Your fingers flutter across the keyboard. Click. Enter. Bursts of AI-generated text appear, filling the screen in just a few seconds. The answer is instant, but behind this seamless interaction lies...

An NVIDIA RTX GeForce 4070 Super sits on a wooden table, donning two fans, 12 GB of memory, and a bandwidth of 504 GB/s. NVIDIA's recent success largely lies within its state-of-the-art graphics processing units.

(Provided by Ivan Chen)

Dominating the digital landscape: Core innovations drive NVIDIA to new heights

by Victor Gong and Mihir Kotbagi April 3, 2024

Every year, hundreds of eager buyers flock to Best Buys or constantly refresh online shopping websites, all for one purpose – to get the latest graphics processing unit on launch day. While most casual...

WiSTEM members prepare to start the AI workshop on Feb. 23. Volunteers discussed logistics like screen sharing and changes in the Google Slides before the workshop.

WiSTEM shares STEM knowledge in TechGirlz AI workshop

by Ashley Mo and Mendy Mao March 6, 2024

Women in STEM Club hosted a virtual TechGirlz AI workshop about AI algorithms and applications on Feb. 2 from 4-6 p.m. and on Feb. 23 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. WiSTEM members led the event, and 26 girls...

Outside Dobbins or in the Main hallway, friends huddle together in groups, exchanging information on an imminent exam. Most students would not consider this cheating, despite clearly violating the honor code.

Editorial: Cheating shapes culture of unhealthy competition

by Editorial Board February 9, 2024

A calculus test question for an English one, or an AP United States History multiple choice answer for the physics free response. Outside Dobbins or in the Main hallway, friends huddle together in groups,...

UCSC Professor Yi Zhang talks about how AI lanaguage models comprehend human language. Research club held the speaker event last Friday for those interested in computer science and artificial intelligence.

UCSC professor explores AI language models at Research Club speaker event

by Victor Gong and Jessica Wang December 7, 2023

University of California, Santa Cruz Professor Yi Zhang presented her award-winning research in Natural Language Processing, Multimodality and Information Retrieval in Chris Spenner's Room last Friday...

Deepfakes are a type of deep AI that can synthetically generate convincing videos by manipulating facial features and voices. The danger associated with this AI comes from its susceptibility to being abused.

You see it, but can you believe it?

by Disha Gupta, Reporter November 28, 2023

Seeing something can no longer mean believing it. A decade ago, the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) manipulating human actions sounded far-fetched. Today, deepfake technology makes this idea a...

A moderator interviews a panel of speakers on the Constellation's Connected Enterprise conference room stage about the future of humanity and artificial intelligence. Harker students listened to and participated in numerous panelist discussions and speaker events.

Students build connections at innovation conference through CareerConnect

by Lily Shi, Reporter November 6, 2023

Eight upper school students attended Constellation’s Connected Enterprise conference at the Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay on Oct. 24 on a CareerConnect field trip.  Six tenth graders, Victoria Ma, Claire...

The presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) looms over students at Harker. Students often use AI technology to generate ideas, to complete homework assignments or even to write sections of essays.

ChatGPT can’t fix everything

by Isabella Lo, Co-Opinions Editor September 27, 2023

It’s late at night. I have an assignment due the next morning, and my goal is to go to bed as quickly as possible. Who would want to toil through two more hours of homework, then wake up sleep-deprived...

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