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The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Meet the researchers

January 29, 2016

I developed a novel framework integrating machine learning, pathway analysis, and significance analysis, to more accurately predict the response of cancer cell lines to treatment. Jonathan Ma (12),...

In brief: Scientists have potentially discovered a ninth planet

by Derek Yen, Reporter January 26, 2016

Two researchers at Caltech announced evidence for the existence of a ninth planet beyond the orbit of Neptune in the Astronomical Journal’s January edition. The researchers Konstantin Batygin and...

The life we will live: work, play and love in the tech generation

The life we will live: work, play and love in the tech generation

by Aditya Varshney and Derek Yen January 19, 2016

As the new year begins, we look ahead at the world of tomorrow. More than ever before, the world is in transition. Prevalent technologies – the automobile, the television, Facebook, non-renewable electric...

Misha Ivkov (11), co-Vice President of Math Club, and Allison Wang (12), President of Math Club, work on a problem together. The Math Club recently reformed its club lectures program to be more structured and occur more regularly.

Math Club reforms extra help training sessions

by Derek Yen, Reporter January 18, 2016

The Math Club recently reformed its extra help training program to become more standardized and easier to access for new members. “We are basically trying to teach some classes, we being the officers,...

Dr. Lina Kim introduces the Research Mentorship Program at UC Santa Barbara. Dr. Kim spoke to students about the program as well as research in general.

Research club begins speaker series

by Adrian Chu, Reporter January 14, 2016

Dr. Lina Kim, director of the Research Mentorship Program at UC Santa Barbara, spoke in the Nichols auditorium yesterday about the program, details on the application and research tips. The UC Santa...

An artist's concept of element 117, one of the four heavy elements that will be added to the periodic table. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) recently recognized elements 113, 115, 117 and 118 after receiving conclusive evidence from separate teams in Japan, Russia, and the United States.

Four new elements added to the periodic table

by Brian Park, Reporter January 10, 2016

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) officially recognized elements 113, 115, 117 and 118 on Dec. 30, after a lengthy process for approval.   All four elements cannot be found...

Intel Science Talent Search (STS) semifinalists Vineet Kosaraju (12), Sophia Luo (12), Sadhika Malladi (12), and Jonathan Ma (12) pose for a picture. Each year, Intel STS names 300 high school seniors nationwide as semifinalists, and offers each a $1,000 award, along with $1,000 to their school.

Four seniors named Intel Science Talent Search semifinalists

by Sahana Srinivasan and Tiffany Wong January 6, 2016

The Intel Science Talent Search (Intel STS) announced seniors Vineet Kosaraju, Sophia Luo, Jonathan Ma and Sadhika Malladi as semifinalists in the 2016 competition today morning. Each semifinalist...

Breaking down climate change

Breaking down climate change

by Sharanya Balaji, Editor-in-Chief December 12, 2015

In light of the recent disasters in Chennai, India and Desmond, England and the climate change talks in Paris, France, it is starting to become clear to the majority of the human population that changes...

Juniors place nationally in Siemens competition

by Vivek Bhardwaj and Vineet Kosaraju December 9, 2015

Juniors Evani Radiya-Dixit and David Zhu placed fifth nationally in the Siemens Competition for Math, Science, and Technology in Washington D.C. yesterday, receiving a $20,000 scholarship from the Siemens...

Social media preferences differ between grade levels

Social media preferences differ between grade levels

by Neil Bai and Shania Wang November 28, 2015

Social media remains a popular outlet of internet usage amongst students. However, the usage of social media differs between the four upper school grades. A poll sent out to students revealed that freshman...

Math Department considers new calculator recommendation

Math Department considers new calculator recommendation

by Alex Wang, Web Developer November 28, 2015

The Upper School Math Department is considering changing its calculator recommendation to include the HP Prime calculator, rather than just the TI-83 and TI-84. Although there is no required calculator,...

Global reset: facing our future

Global reset: facing our future

by Meena Gudapati and Vijay Bharadwaj November 28, 2015

Driving to school, charging a phone and using a computer are seemingly unrelated events. The one thing they all have in common is their energy consumption. In the United States, about 84 percent of all...

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