Kanye is without a doubt one of the greatest and most influential artists of our time. His work is universal; there is not one person on the street who won’t recognize “Runaway” or “Graduation.” Yet, without a doubt, he also holds the title of one of the most controversial figures in the mainstream from his stream of Twitter rants to his clothing to media antics.
How do you reconcile both aspects of a polar personality? His greatness is undeniable, but so are his racist and harmful remarks. But both come together in his art. Parts of his beliefs and opinions will inevitably seep into his work. This mesh of creativity and personality is what defines art as an expression of self, as a unique contribution.
By listening to Kanye’s music, I contribute to his platform to spout his rhetoric. In a way, we are the reason why he is even able to have an audience to speak to. His relevance makes his words impactful and hurtful, and as we build on the hype and clout of his music, we enable his ability to have an impact and implicitly support his remarks.
These factors contribute to the impossibility of separating art from the artist, but I still believe that it is vital to do so. To condemn a piece of art solely on the basis of an artist stifles creativity and imagination. Art builds off of itself; artists are inspired by others, musicians sample previous work, and writers learn from recognizing literature.
If we were to only learn from seemingly morally perfect artists, the world would be a bland place. If we cancel a piece of art, we hobble our own ability to expand off it. The intrinsic value of the art and its potential to improve the world around us should take precedence over a critique of an artist’s individual flaws and mistakes. Should JK Rowling’s transphobic views or Michael Jackson’s sexual assault accusations negate their work and impact? It diminishes my opinion of these artists but not my opinion on their art.
An appreciation of art does not necessarily mean support for an artist. I can credit Kanye’s genius or Rowling’s storytelling without condoning their actions. Great art deserves to be recognized as great art, but recognition does not equal support. A more nuanced approach is understanding the context and controversy behind an artist, building a deeper level of interpretation of a work.
While I generally take this approach to art, I do not believe that it’s a one size fits all tactic. Each situation bears its own unique fruits and pitfalls. In cases where the transgression is directly tied to the art, I can’t justify an appreciation of their work. Ultimately, I still listen to and enjoy Kanye’s music in spite of his actions, but I recognize his flaws as a person.