Humans and ants are more similar than one may think— we work best in groups. Ants work together in colonies, support one another and gather food for the entire group. The way ants move as one makes me immediately think of volleyball. It’s parallel with ant colonies changed the way I see my teammates and transformed my mindset when I’m faced with challenges both on and off the court.
One time after a volleyball game, I went outside to eat bagels with my team to celebrate our win. I spotted ants in a crack on the sidewalk and threw small pieces of my bagel onto the sidewalk. An ant scurried toward the bread and lifted it. Struggling to carry it through the nest’s narrow opening, the ant seemed determined but overwhelmed. Then, four more ants appeared. Together, they fit the bread through the hole.
Their mindset resonated deeply with me as an athlete. Like ant culture, volleyball revolves around teamwork and perseverance, whether on the court or the bench. Every player has a crucial role. As a setter, my job is to place the ball precisely for my hitters to strike, but my success depends on my teammates. A point starts with a solid pass handled by the libero, defensive specialist, or back-row players.
Even on the bench, our roles remain just as important. Cheering for our team members increases morale, creating a stronger, more united team.
One match in particular, my team and I made it to the tiebreaker set, and we were down 5 to 11, struggling to keep up. Frustration built up mistake after mistake, and our coach called a time-out and assured us to believe in our skills as a team.
Getting back onto the court we treated every point as a group effort and fought back together, winning 15 to 11. I have learned that teamwork and perseverance can push you past even the most formidable challenges, like facing a team that seems unbeatable. My team had to lean on each other, pick ourselves back up and turn the game around just like how ants work together.
Sports may seem like just a game, but like ant colonies, they thrive on teamwork and resilience. The lessons learned on the court extend far beyond sports. Just as no team succeeds without trust, no society can overcome challenges without unity. In an era marked with division, whether in politics, social issues, or environmental crises, we can look to both sports and ant culture as reminders that lasting change is only possible when we stand together.