Fitness Fridays #4

by Vishnu Kannan and Muthu Panchanatham

Before the pandemic, it was no problem for us to get some steps in — all we had to do was walk from one class to the next, from Dobbins to Shah. Nowadays, it’s fair to say that it’s been more challenging to stay active and avoid a sedentary lifestyle of sitting in a chair all day. Have no fear, “Fitness Friday” is here! Below is Harker Aquila’s fourth compilation of five bodyweight exercises that you can do to get up and get your blood pumping!

Exercise 1: Spiderman Pushups

Muthu Panchanatham
  • How to perform the exercise: Start in a high plank position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Perform a regular pushup, and as you are lowering yourself to the ground, bring one of your legs out, such that your knees touch the corresponding elbow. As you are pushing up off the ground, place your leg on the floor behind you again. Then, repeat, making sure to switch legs for each repetition.
  • Recommended duration: Try to perform three sets of 10 repetitions.
  • Benefits: Spiderman pushups strengthen your chest and upper body, while also toning your core and oblique muscles.
  • Tips: Inhale as you press down into the ground and exhale on the way back up. This exercise will make you feel like a superhero!

Exercise 2: Side Lunges

Muthu Panchanatham
  • How to perform the exercise: Stand up straight, with your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed forward. Shift your bodyweight onto one of your legs by pushing your hips back and stepping to the side, and lunge until your leg forms a 90 degree angle at the knee. At this point, your other leg should be fully extended. Then, bring your legs back to the neutral position, and repeat with the other leg.
  • Recommended duration: Try to perform three sets 12 repetitions for each leg.
  • Benefits: Side lunges strengthen the thighs and quads, while helping develop stability.
  • Tips: Try to keep your heels on the ground throughout the motion, and make sure your knees do not go beyond your toes!

Exercise 3: Dead Bugs

Muthu Panchanatham
  • How to perform the exercise: Lie flat on the floor. Lift your right arm up so that it’s fully extended towards the sky, perpendicular to your body. At the same time, raise your left leg up so that it forms a 90 degree angle, with your knees directly above your hips. Lower your arm and leg back to the floor, and then repeat these motions with your left arm and right leg. Keep your abs contracted as you perform the exercise. No bugs were harmed in the making of this exercise.
  • Recommended duration: Try to perform four sets of 12 repetitions for each arm/leg tandem.
  • Benefits: Dead bugs strengthen your core and oblique muscles.
  • Tips: Try to keep you back flat on the floor to avoid injuries.

Exercise 4: V-Ups

Muthu Panchanatham
  • How to perform the exercise: Lie down with your back on the floor and your arms extended behind your head. Lift your legs and upper body off the ground simultaneously, and try to touch your toes with your fingertips. Then, return to the starting position slowly and repeat.
  • Recommended duration: Try to perform three sets of 15 repetitions.
  • Benefits: V-Ups tone the core and abdomen, while also strengthening the back muscles.
  • Tips: V-Ups are one of the hardest abdominal exercises out there, so don’t feel bad if you can’t do it on your first try. Just keep working and don’t give up!

Exercise 5: Plank-Ups

Muthu Panchanatham
  • How to perform the exercise: Begin the exercise like you’re about to do a push-up. Instead of lowering your whole body at once, position your right elbow under your shoulder so that your arm forms a 90 degree angle, similar to the arm position in a plank. Do the same thing with your left arm under your left shoulder. Now, you should be in a full plank position. Next, fully extend your right arm so that your hand is directly below your shoulder so that you are halfway back to push-up position. Do the same thing with your left arm so that you are back to the starting position. Pause at the top and then repeat.
  • Recommended duration: Try to perform three sets of 15 repetitions.
  • Benefits: Plank-Ups offer the combined benefits of pushups and planks: they strengthen the core and abdomen, while also toning the chest and shoulders.
  • Tips: Slow and steady wins the race! If you try to do this exercise as fast as you can, you will not strengthen your muscles as efficiently, and you might hurt yourself. Take your time and perform controlled repetitions.