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Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Aquila Weekly Wrap-Up: Nov. 16-22

by Lily Shi, News Editor November 25, 2024

This is Aquila Weekly Wrap-Up, where we bring you the latest updates from around our school community. Saturday 162 middle and high school students worldwide participated in the 2024 Harker Physics...

Frosh Kendra Zhao folds a paper origami during Key Club and Origami Club's meeting on Tuesday. Students made a collective of 50 cards and origami animals.

Origami Club and Key Club collaborate to make handmade crafts

by Risa Chokhawala, Assistant Opinions Editor November 16, 2024

Origami Club and Key Club worked together to make cards and origami animals that will be donated to children in hospitals through Cardz for Kidz, a nonprofit organization, on Tuesday. Over 20 students...

Sophomore Nicole Dean, a member of the ASB Community Service committee, returns money to a student. Members of the committee gave out tickets to students to then buy products from clubs.

Project Peace Wheel supports Afghanistan refugees in farmers market-style fundraiser

by Lily Peng, Assistant News Editor November 9, 2024

Clubs collectively raised $1,509.47 in a fundraiser for Afghanistan refugees by selling a variety of goods to members of the community on Oct. 29 and 31. UNICEF Club proposed the Project Peace Wheel...

Upper School Head Paul Barsky thanks the students involved in various school events, including the cast and crew of the fall play and those in the athletics program. He also delivered announcements about the new crosswalk and the Eagle Store.

School meeting recap 10/28/22: Messages from administration, Halloween festivities and club announcements

by Shareen Chahal, Asst. News Editor November 1, 2022

Associated Student Body (ASB) Vice President Gordon Chen (12) welcomed students and faculty to the school meeting on Friday and sent the seniors best wishes for their college applications. Upper School...

Members of the Wilt advisory watch an announcement from Art Club during the school meeting last Friday. The meeting covered topics including the Ukraine Task Force Fundraising Initiative, upcoming spring musical and Quad mural.

School meeting recap 3/18/22: Ukraine fundraiser, Spirit painting kickoff and Drowsy Chaperone

by Selina Xu, Co-Asst. Multimedia Editor March 24, 2022

Associated Student Body (ASB) Secretary Spencer Cha (12) opened the last Zoom school meeting of the year last Friday.   Spencer began with an update on the Ukraine Task Force Fundraiser initiative,...

Key club members Ethan Liu (10), Andrew Liang (9), Lucy Ge (12), Jacqueline Soraire (10) and Olivia Xu (10) measure and mark fabric before cutting it into scarves. All scarves will be given to the homeless through The Toiletri Project.

Harker Key Club hosts scarf-making event for homeless shelters

by Ariana Goetting, Reporter March 17, 2022

Key Club hosted an event in which attendees made scarves for homeless shelters from 12:50 to 1:20 p.m. during long lunch on Feb. 24 in upper school English teacher Beverley Manning’s room. Club members,...

Upper school biology teacher Jeff Sutton's advisory watch the school meeting via Zoom this Tuesday. After the meeting, students underwent the first iteration of weekly COVID-19 testing.

School meeting recap 1/25/22: Culture Week, Valentine’s Grams and Chinese New Year festivities

by Julie Shi, Reporter January 28, 2022

Associated Student Body (ASB) president Dawson Chen (12) started the school meeting this Tuesday. The Student Diversity Coalition (SDC) announced Culture Week would be held from Feb. 21 to Feb. 25 and...

The varsity boys soccer team applauds after senior Andrew Cheplansky finishes speaking about the team's accomplishments this season. The boys won against Saint Francis on Saturday, winning their first CCS championship.

School meeting recap 3/2/2020: Soccer CCS champions, kissing pigs and solving the squirrel problem

by Lucy Ge, Asst. News Editor March 2, 2020

Avi Gulati (12) started off the meeting yesterday by announcing that the sandwich bar is being shut down due to students being unable to clean up after themselves. Head of upper school Butch Keller...

Members of junior class council Evan Cheng, Avi Gulati, Roma Gandhi and Alyssa Huang announce the theme, "Midnight in Paris," for this year's Winter Ball, which will be held next Saturday.

School meeting recap 1/18/19

by Arushi Saxena, Global Editor January 22, 2019

As students clamored to their seats at the last school meeting of the first semester, ASB President Neil Ramaswamy attempted to settle the crowd as English teacher Charlie Shuttleworth’s made an announcement...

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