![“There’s been lots of things to deal with [this year], and I feel like at the same time these changes and these things to deal with are a transformative experience. It makes you really think about who you really are and what you want to do,” Ben Yuan (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/BenYuan_MarkHu-900x596.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Food, jokes and dinosaurs
by Mark Hu, Reporter
• November 28, 2018

Humans of Harker: Shades of culture
by Anoushka Buch, TALON Co-People and Seniors Editor
• November 27, 2018

Humans of Harker: Bridging gaps
by Sara Yen, Asst. Features Editor
• November 26, 2018

Humans of Harker: Solutions in serenity
by Arya Maheshwari, STEM Editor
• November 15, 2018

Humans of Harker: Poems and pulsars
by Anthony Xu, TALON Co-Academics Editor
• November 15, 2018
![“I thought that I could give [art] up and I never thought that I would be able to do it in college, and then over the summer I did an internship and between CS and animation, I realized that I really can’t give it up. I can’t imagine not doing art in any variation,” said Christie Chen (12).](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/10.31.18_IreneYuan_7140-900x596.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Mixing medias
by Irene Yuan, Reporter
• November 12, 2018

Humans of Harker: Living large for life’s smallest moments
by Nina Gee, Staff Illustrator
• November 6, 2018

Humans of Harker: Making Happiness at the Satis-factory
by Laura Wu, TALON Co-People and Seniors Editor
• October 24, 2018
![“I hope that [people] have some positive memory associated with me, or that I always helped brighten up their days because I don't like putting out negative energy. I really feel that what matters more than anything else is [treating] others with kindness and respect, and I just want to be remembered as a positive force," Tamar Sasson (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/TamarSasson_AnnaV-900x596.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Appreciating the underappreciated
by Anna Vazhaeparambil, Reporter
• October 22, 2018

Humans of Harker: Stand up and smile
by Anika Rajamani, Reporter
• October 19, 2018
![“When I went to China, people were so happy and surprised that I could speak [Chinese]. They’re like, ‘Wow, it’s amazing that you put in the effort.’... I think it’s really great to surprise people and change their perspective from what they originally thought. They think a white-looking girl probably can’t speak [Chinese], and then I change that,” Karen Krause (12) said.](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Screen-Shot-2018-10-18-at-9.40.44-PM.png)
Humans of Harker: Breaking down language barriers
by Nilisha Baid, Asst. Business Manager and Social Media Editor
• October 18, 2018

Humans of Harker: Friend to all
by Zachary Hoffman, TALON Reporter
• October 17, 2018
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by Cynthia Xie, A&E/Lifestyle Assistant Editor
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