Associated Student Body President Sam Parupudi (12) opened the first school meeting of the year on Monday.
Performing Arts Production Manager Brian Larsen began with his annual tutorial on proper microphone use for all upcoming speakers. He recommended that people imagine the microphone as a handle to their heads and keep it close to their faces at all times.
Head of Upper School Paul Barsky then congratulated students on a strong start to the school year and emphasized the importance of upholding Harker’s four core values: kindness, integrity, respect and personal accountability. He introduced new classroom protocols during assessments to ensure academic integrity, including the storage of all electronic devices in the back of the classroom and the randomization of test problems and seating arrangements.
Performing arts teachers followed with updates for the Conservatory program. Director of Performing Arts Laura Lang-Ree announced that the Conservatory Kickoff would be at 5 p.m. on Wednesday. Theater teacher and fall play director Brandi Griffith introduced this year’s fall play, “A Midsummer’s Night Dream.” She invited students to auditions from Aug. 26-28 and to an information session in the RPAC on Aug. 29. Callbacks are scheduled to be from Aug. 29-30.
Instrumental music teacher David Hart highlighted the orchestra trip to Chicago during spring break next semester, encouraging students who play instruments to join the orchestra. He also announced the Jazz Band trip to the Monterey Jazz Festival from Sept. 27-29. Dance teachers Rachelle Haun and Jill Yager announced the start of the after-school dance program next week, along with Dance Production auditions on Sept. 6 from 3:15 to 5:15.
Student Diversity Coalition members Ariana Gauba (12), Ruhan Sahasi (12), Elie Ahluwalia (11), Arushi Sahasi (11), Alexis Leo (10) and Dhanya Ramanan (10) then introduced themselves and shared their mission to create an inclusive space and educate the community. They also promoted the upcoming Student Diversity Leadership Conference from Dec. 4-7, a national event for student leaders focused on cross-cultural communication and community building. Harker plans to send six students to the conference in Denver, with applications due by September 4.
Next, Winged Post co-editors-in-chief Victor Gong (12) and Katerina Matta (12) announced that the first issue of the year will be distributed on Friday, providing a sneak peek into articles about new teachers on campus, female pop icons of the summer and more. Harker Aquila co-editors-in-chief Emma Milner (12) and Alison Yang (12) discussed their photo policy, requesting that students only use photos after publication and credit the photographers when reposting.

Investment Club co-presidents Ruhan Arora (11) and Nicole Dean (10) invited students to participate in the Wharton Global High School Investment Competition, with an opportunity to attend the final round at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. They also announced open officer positions in the club.
HarkerDev admins Saanvi Bhargava (12), Aarav Borthakur (12) and Nelson Gou (12) introduced some of the apps their organization develops to improve life on campus, such as the Harker Bell Schedule and the new Activities app for club management. They urged all students, even those without coding experience, to join HarkerDev.
Athletic Director Dan Molin and Assistant Athletic Director Alfredo Alves introduced the coaching staff. Molin encouraged students to participate in fall sports, including football, water polo and cross country, with winter sport interest meetings coming soon. Alves advised students to check their PE credits, and he announced that signups for after-school PE options, including fitness, self-defense and yoga, will be opening next week.
ASB Secretary Jia Jia Jiang then explained school meeting announcement policies, asking students to fill out a Google Form to request announcement time slots. Sam notified students of snacks in Manzanita Hall and dismissed everyone.