NEW YORK — Harker student publications Harker Aquila, The Winged Post and literary magazine Harker Eclectic Literature & Media (HELM) received Crowns while attending the 100th annual Columbia Scholastic Press Association Spring Convention at Columbia University in New York on Mar. 15.
Three of the upper school’s publications were finalists for CSPA Crowns, which “recognize overall excellence in either print or digital student publications.” This year’s awards reviewed publication’s 2022-2023 editions. At the ceremony, Harker Aquila and HELM received Silver Crowns. The Winged Post received a Gold Crown.
“The silver and gold crowns show that a publication has consistently done excellent work throughout that year,” CSPA Director Jennifer Ha said. “It’s hard to be great all the time because if you’re working on a student publication, you’re balancing other stuff. We recognize that, but we’re gratified by what we see because the work is really impressive.”
The awards ceremony began by introducing Ha. She then presented the Edmund J. Sullivan Award, which honors students who have dedicated their time to pursuing the truth within their publications. Ha presented the award to two recipients.
The first, given to editors Emmy Martin and Kaitlyn Yaede from UNC Chapel Hill’s The Daily Tarheel, acknowledged their publication’s coverage of the shooting of a faculty adviser. Staff member Talvin Dhingra and his adviser Sara Barber-Just from The Graphic also received the award for their coverage of transphobia at Amherst Regional High School.
Trip chaperone and HELM adviser Lizzy Schimenti received the Crown for the first time in person, and remarked on the quality of the work presented, acknowledging the effort and resilience of the students.
“It was really inspiring to see the great journalism which is needed now more than ever,” Schimenti said. “Today really starts at the middle school and high school levels and ignites that passion in students. It sets the high standards for them and allows for the environment for that to happen, which is pretty cool.”
CSPA Assistant Director Antonio Rodriguez then announced the Gold and Silver Crown awardees. Winning publications walked to the stage with their staff to receive a plaque and have their photo taken with Ha, after which students celebrated their dedication and achievements.

Senior Photo Editor Brandon Zau was proud to help earn the publications’ awards through his work. After closing out his last high school journalism convention, he reflected upon his past four years as a member of Harker journalism.
“Everybody on staff has poured a lot of hard work, time and effort into all publications, and I think it’s great that we’re able to get selected,” Brandon said. “At the end of the day, everything was super fun.”
Last year, HELM received a Silver Crown, and both Harker Aquila and The Winged Post received a Gold Crown.