Stories from quarantine: Hiking into the woods
Hiking is a family tradition: whether we are away on vacation or right outside my house, my family and I frequently explore our surroundings. Wildlife takes the opportunity to come out, and I see more creatures than I ever have before.
April 21, 2020
Surrounded by the tall, lush green redwood trees, I stroll through the empty woods. The sun peeks out of one of few clouds in the sky and warms the crisp air. Swarms of bees buzz, and a soft breeze rustles the leaves producing the familiar sound of spring that I have not heard in a while. It’s the perfect day to take a break from electronics and enjoy the natural atmosphere.
I pass a peaceful horse, patiently waiting in a stable for food. It looks at me as if I have a treat, but I sadly turn away. My brother and I walk up the steep incline and find a fallen tree stretched across a small stream. We attempt to walk across but fail since the branches become weak. Time seems to fly as we continue exploring the vulnerable wilderness.
Barely anyone leaves their house due to the outbreak of COVID-19 across the Bay Area and the U.S. at large, so therefore my brother, father and I have the whole nature preserve to ourselves. Wildlife takes the opportunity to come out, and I see more creatures than I ever have before. Small critters scurry across the dusty path, while birds chirp loudly.
My father suggested that we go on a hike in the nearby hills one day to occupy ourselves during the shelter-in-place order. Since our spring break plans to travel to Florida were canceled and I was stuck inside my house watching Netflix, a small hike seemed like a huge opportunity.
Hiking is a family tradition: whether we are away on vacation or right outside my house, my family and I frequently explore our surroundings. Due to our busy lives, we do not spend much time together and we like to spend the rare occasions where we are all together with nature. One of our favorite spots is a nature preserve close to my home in Los Altos Hills, where the top of the hill presents the entire Bay Area. The peaceful atmosphere is calming, and I love to observe the views and wildlife. Between the serene scenery and our love for animals, hiking excites all of us and gives us an excuse to spend time together.