Wrestling competes at Del Mar tournament
Bobby Wang (9) wrestles a competitor at the Del Mar tournament. Bobby won 4th place in his weight class.
January 30, 2019
The Harker wrestling team traveled to Del Mar High School for its annual invitational wrestling tournament last weekend. The team roster included 122-pound weight class Bobby Wang (9), 140-pound weight class Sophia Gottfried (10), 222-pound weight class Eric Fang (11) and 134-pound weight class Kobe Howard (12). Senior Arjun Kilaru did not attend the tournament due to a shoulder injury.
Wrestlers arrived at the high school at 6:30 a.m. for weigh-ins and a groom check. After eating breakfast, warmups began around 8 a.m. and the tournament officially began around 9 a.m.
Eric and Sophia automatically advanced to the next round of their brackets due to byes. Bobby and Kobe wrestled in the first round of the tournament, winning both their matches.
About an hour later, all four team members wrestled in the second round. Although Kobe, Bobby and Eric won their respective matches, Sophia lost her first official match of the season.
In his second match, Kobe suffered an injury to his arm. Despite this fact, Kobe wrestled a third match, winning by a single point.
Finally, Bobby lost his last two matches and won fourth place in his weight class. Kobe conceded his last two matches as a result of his arm injury, earning him fourth place. Sophia lost her second match, ending her run in the tournament, and Eric won third place in his weight class.
The team’s next tournament will be next Saturday, Feb. 2 at Wilcox High School.