Humans of Harker Video: Amy Dunphy ventures into uncharted scientific territory
“As a kid, I think I always liked exploring and I liked going outdoors,” Amy Dunphy said. “My backyard had a lot of trees in it, so I was always trying to climb one, trying to get up in any way I could. I spent a lot of time there, and I’d see things that interested me, see things that were weird, like ‘Why does this leaf have spots?’ like ‘Why is this bug this way?’ and I, you know, sometimes tried experimenting with them. Mostly just tried poking at them with sticks.”
May 8, 2018
This is the third installment of the Humans of Harker 2018 video series. Through this project, the Harker journalism program aims to tell the story of the senior class, one profile at a time.
Pam Dickinson • May 11, 2018 at 10:14 am
This is absolutely fabulous, Nina. I love Amy’s journey and this is beautiful visual storytelling!