Humans of Harker: Jonathan Liu desires to takes on business in his future

Melissa Kwan

“Business gives you infinite possibilities. One day you could be starting your own tech company and on another, you could be providing microfinance loans to farmers in rural China. Whatever the reason, business allows the world come together and gives anyone the opportunity to chase their passions,” Jonathan Liu (12) said.

by Anjay Saklecha, Sports Editor

Coming from a family where both parents are in business and dinner talks revolve around economics and politics, Jonathan Liu (12) is naturally navigating towards a similar career path.

He credits his stepfather as his guiding force and mentor.

“He’s told me everything he has done and has given me amazing advice that I won’t forget,” he said. “He’s a huge factor of why I’m interested and he’s given me a lot of opportunities to take my interest to the next level.”

At Harker, Jonathan has been able to explore his interest in business through classes and extracurricular activities. He credits AP Economics, his favorite subject, for teaching him the real life applications of business and economics.

“One of my favorite classes at Harker is AP Economics, which makes sense, because I want to pursue business,” Jonathan said. “Mr. Lepler, who taught me it, teaches me how Economics also applies to real life, so that was one of my best ways to learn about business.”

He’s also been involved in DECA as well as leadership roles in community service. He’s involved in a service club called Impacts that helps to finance rural farmers overseas.

“Business gives you infinite possibilities. One day you could be starting your own tech company and on another, you could be providing microfinance loans to farmers in rural China,” he said. “Whatever the reason, business allows the world come together and gives anyone the opportunity to chase their passions.”

Jonathan plans to pursue his secondary education in business administration, but his true goal is to help society on the larger level by starting a non-profit.

“What motivates me to study hard is to get a better education and a job that will let me help people on a massive scale,” he said. “Overall, throughout my life, I just want to find opportunities to help the community.”

When Jonathan is not busy with classes or community service, he can be found on the basketball court. It’s his way to escape the stresses of the day.

“I don’t have any worries while playing basketball. You don’t want any expectations – I just want to go out there and not think about anything else except my plays and my ball game.”

Motivated in the classroom, eagerly leading in clubs and grounded on the basketball court, Jonathan has bright dreams for a future dedicated to compassion in service and business.