Memoir Monday: Necklace

by Anika Rajamani, Reporter

The thick, black string is in a tight knot in the back. The ends of the string curl and hang out. The string seems old and in need of a replacement. At the other end, the string loops around the bright, silver pendant. The pendant is circular and contrasts the grayish black color of the string. The pendant is warm. The metal dips in on the back and both sides have beautiful, meticulously done carvings. There is an ‘om’ sign carved in on one side. This sign symbolizes peace and serenity. It is bordered with diagonal lines shooting from the outer edges of the pendant. The metal has rusted a little, and is blacker in certain areas, but from a distance, the silver shines bright.

My dad towered over me a year ago, and looked at me smiling. I was still afraid of the dark, and I had just sprinted up the stairs after turning off all the lights downstairs. My dad, hearing the thundering noises of my footsteps, had come outside the bedroom to see what was wrong. Usually, my sister stays with me to study, so we are much quieter while coming upstairs. With a look of panic, my dad asked me if I was okay and if something had happened. I denied making any noise, but my dad knew me too well. He guessed that I had sprinted upstairs because I was scared of the dark. He then showed me a necklace in his closet which he has worn as a child. He explained that he had once also been afraid of the dark, and that this necklace had made him feel more courageous. My dad took out another pendant and tied it up to a black string. He handed it to me. I looked at the necklace in my hand reluctantly. I wondered how this necklace would protect me from the unknown dangers of the dark. I thought my dad was ridiculous, but I accepted the gift anyways me put it on.

The necklace didn’t really help me get over my fear, since occasionally I do hear a slight noise and start sprinting up the stairs. However, this necklace now reminds me of my fears and the threats out there, but also the strength I have to overcome these weaknesses. This necklace reminds me that J have the strength and courage to react to dangerous situations and protect myself. This also reminds me of my parents the belief they have in me. It has become a good luck ch for me and I never take it off. I know that this necklace won’t protect me against threats I could encounter, but it help me calm my nerves.