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Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Med Club officer Kimi Yashar (11) acts as afflicted patient as participants collaborate to diagnose her. Members analyzed symptoms and conducted mock medical tests to reach an accurate diagnosis.

Club Corner: Medical Club hosts diagnosis simulation

by Lily Shi, News Editor March 23, 2025

Medical Club hosted its annual Diagnosis Event, inviting students to step into the role of doctors by diagnosing diseases simulated by club officers on March 18.  The two main case studies featured...

Pranav Sukesh (12) reclines on a medical chair as a medical professional attends to his arm. All donors were given a $15 E-Gift Card Promo and a special edition Golden State Warriors hoodie as a gesture of gratitude.

Medical Club conducts second annual blood drive with Stanford Blood Center

by Aryana Bharali and Jasmine Hansra January 28, 2025

Faculty and students participated in Medical Club’s blood drive in partnership with the Stanford Blood Center on Jan. 23. The blood drive resulted in a collective donation of units capable of saving...

Staff from the Stanford Blood Center process blood donations during the blood drive on Jan. 29. The drive took place all throughout the school day in Nichols Atrium.

Upper school partners with Stanford Blood Center to host blood drive

by Anika Maji and Claire Bauschlicher February 9, 2024

Upper school seniors and faculty took part in a blood drive organized by junior Sahngwie Yim in partnership with Medical Club and the Stanford Blood Center on Jan. 29. Staff from Stanford Blood Center...

Attendee Kashish Priyam (10) listens to Dr. Jang's talk. “A lot of the time when we hear about research, it’s skewed to one perspective, so it’s nice to hear from [other viewpoints] to learn about what it would be like if we wanted to join any of these fields,” Kashish said.

WiSTEM and Medical clubs invite members to cancer researcher speaker event

by Aryana Bharali, Humans of Harker Profiler December 9, 2022

Women in Stem (WiSTEM) and Medical Club hosted a speaker event featuring a cancer researcher on Nov. 11 in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Students from all grades attended the club meeting...

Upper School biology teacher Matthew Harley gestures at his presentation on the anatomy of a heart. At the Evening of Medicine, he procured hearts of various sizes for the attendees to hold and examine.

Evening of Medicine invites students to explore medical profession

by Jessica Wang, Alison Yang, and Claire Zhao November 11, 2022

Around 50 students attended the Evening of Medicine, hosted by Medical Club in Nichols on Nov. 4 from 6:30 to 9 p.m, where two speakers presented about their research and students participated in hands-on...

Upper School Head Paul Barsky thanks the students involved in various school events, including the cast and crew of the fall play and those in the athletics program. He also delivered announcements about the new crosswalk and the Eagle Store.

School meeting recap 10/28/22: Messages from administration, Halloween festivities and club announcements

by Shareen Chahal, Asst. News Editor November 1, 2022

Associated Student Body (ASB) Vice President Gordon Chen (12) welcomed students and faculty to the school meeting on Friday and sent the seniors best wishes for their college applications. Upper School...

On a worksheet given out by club officers, attendee Nupur Gupta (11) writes down a response from patient Jessica Zhou (11). Group D, the fourth and last participating group, also included Sonya He (11), Defne Avkarogullari (10), Kashish Priyam (9) and Sahngwie Yim (9).

Medical Club hosts annual mock diagnostic event

by Jessica Tang, Co-Photo Editor February 23, 2022

Medical Club hosted a mock diagnostic event in upper school biology teacher Dr. Matthew Harley’s room during long lunch on Feb. 10.  Attendees were split into four groups of four to five people,...

"STEM Spotlight" is a new Aquila repeater showcasing STEM clubs and their initiatives.

STEM Spotlight: Medical Club

by Sabrina Zhu, Assistant STEM Editor February 21, 2021

STEM Spotlight is a new repeater exploring what clubs at Harker have been doing during remote learning. This week’s featured club is the Medical Club, whose goal is to increase interest in health care...

Director of Roleplays Anika Muddu (10) teaches how to prepare for and present a roleplay at DECA Launch. “The conference experience was mainly something that we might be missing out [on] because the preparation for DECA can be done over Zoom or you can Facetime, but the in-conference experience is something that I don’t think we’ll get to convey to the freshmen this year,” Harker DECA CEO Lisa Barooah said. Everyone who’s ever done DECA can tell you the conferences are the most fun part.”

Extracurricular activities and programs transition to remote learning

by Isha Moorjani, Winged Post Asst. News Editor September 10, 2020

With the 2020-21 school year beginning remotely, both students and faculty are experiencing the changes that come with having extracurricular activities online. Many of these extracurriculars relied on...

STEM Scene showcases briefs to update our community on the STEM world.

STEM Scene: Upper school clubs continue activities in quarantine

by Tiffany Chang, TALON Reporter May 4, 2020

With COVID-19 pushing everyone to pioneer alternatives for events made unfeasible by shelter-in-place, upper school STEM clubs have risen to the challenge. Despite the inability to continue hands-on activities...

The varsity boys soccer team applauds after senior Andrew Cheplansky finishes speaking about the team's accomplishments this season. The boys won against Saint Francis on Saturday, winning their first CCS championship.

School meeting recap 3/2/2020: Soccer CCS champions, kissing pigs and solving the squirrel problem

by Lucy Ge, Asst. News Editor March 2, 2020

Avi Gulati (12) started off the meeting yesterday by announcing that the sandwich bar is being shut down due to students being unable to clean up after themselves. Head of upper school Butch Keller...

Members of the boys soccer team announce that their annual Kicks Against Soccer games are on Friday. The boys junior varsity team plays at 3 p.m. against Pinewood, girls varsity team plays at 4:45 p.m. against Notre Dame and boys varsity team plays at 6:30 against Priory.

School meeting recap 1/7/2020: Student directed showcase, new basketball hoop and course selections

by Lucy Ge, Asst. News Editor January 8, 2020

Avi Gulati (12) started off the meeting by welcoming everyone to 2020 and stating his new year resolutions.  Roma Gandhi (12) announced on behalf of the Student Events Committee that the deadline to...

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