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The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Shea Bryden (11) and Deeya Verma (9) attend the AP Art Exhibition's lunch reception on March 8. Each student in the AP Art classes picked out and mounted five of their pieces for the exhibition.

AP Art Exhibits display pieces from 20 students

by Sally Zhu, A&E and Lifestyle Editor March 11, 2022

Walking into the Nichols Atrium on Tuesday, instead of being greeted by gray concrete walls and empty space, you’d walk into an absorbing two-story museum of artwork, artwork painting the Nichols walls...

Upper school Latin and world history teacher Clifford Hull examines excavated fossils that he has collected and stores in his room, Main 1. Hull is passionate about archaeology, collecting and the past, as evinced by objects atop his cabinet such as the bust of Caesar pencil holder and the American flag he was given when he first came to the country.

Meet your teacher: Excavating upper school history teacher’s world

by Sarah Mohammed and Tiffany Chang December 10, 2021

Bright green, pink and yellow orange squeezers; teapots from Finland from the 50s and 60s and mid 19th century Victorian Age relics of urinals are a combination of objects you’ll most likely never find...

The American and California flag fly at full-staff in the quad. Veterans Day, a federal holiday observed today, honors everyone who has served in the U.S. military through a variety of homages across the country.

Veterans Day celebrates those who served across the country

by Medha Yarlagadda, Reporter November 12, 2021

The nation honored those who have served in the U.S. military through a variety of homages across the country today for Veterans Day. Originally called Armistice Day, President Woodrow Wilson first...

Harker cancelled classes on Nov. 11 to give the community time to honor veterans both in and out of the Harker community.

In honor of Veterans Day, upper school veterans share their stories

by Sarah Mohammed, Assistant Features Editor November 13, 2020

The upper school did not hold any classes on Nov. 11 to observe Veterans Day, a holiday that honors the service of those who have served in the various branches of the military. Harker has roots in military...

Art teacher Jaap Bongers speaks about the genocides in Namibia. This Shah Salon was about topics related to apartheid.

Teachers host second Shah Salons of the year

by Arushi Saxena, Global Editor January 30, 2019

The second Shah Salon took place on Jan. 23 from 3:15-4:30, with five sessions held by various history and art teachers. Students were invited to attend all of the sessions whic covered different topics:...

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