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The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Facebook displays a selection of news articles. Facebook introduced a tag last week for disputed articles in order to combat the spread of fake news.

Facebook adds disputed tag for untruthful articles

by Adrian Chu, Opinion Editor March 15, 2017

Facebook implemented a tag last week which marks articles as disputed by third party fact checkers after controversy surrounding the spread of fake news on its website. According to Facebook, the third...

Qualifiers participate in the NACLO invitational round, held on March 9.

Students participate in Invitational Linguistics Olympiad

by Rose Guan, Winged Post Copy Editor March 10, 2017

Nine upper school students participated in the invitational round of the North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad (NACLO) in Main yesterday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The students, Kai-Siang Ang...

Student competitors work on problems during the Harker Math Invitational. Members of the upper school Math Club wrote and helped administer the tests.

Upper school students assist at annual Harker Math Invitational

by Tiffany Wong, Aquila News Editor March 8, 2017

Upper school Math Club members helped out at Harker’s annual Harker Math Invitational for middle and lower school students at the Blackford campus last Sunday. The contest invited over 300 students...

Climate change in the Trump presidency

Climate change in the Trump presidency

by Neil Bai and Maya Valluru February 28, 2017

The day of President Donald J. Trump’s inauguration, all references to climate change initiatives were scrubbed from the White House website. Since then, environmental conservation has not been addressed,...

March for Science to be held

March for Science to be held

by Nicole Chen, Features Editor February 24, 2017

Multiple scientists and science organizations have announced their support for a march for science, particularly to raise awareness regarding the Trump administration’s proposed plans regarding climate...

The rise of the smart home

The rise of the smart home

by Nina Gee and Nisha Shankar February 24, 2017

Google released a smart home system in November 2016 by the name of Google Home, just one example in the myriad of options available for the development of smart home systems and one step closer to high-tech...

Joanna Lin (11) works on a problem during a practice round for the online math competition Math Madness on Sept. 27. Math Madness was one of several competitions that allowed students to take the AMC 10B or 12B at Harker.

Math Club members participate in AMC B exam

by Rose Guan, Winged Post Copy Editor February 23, 2017

Members of Math Club participated in the annual 75-minute American Math Competition (AMC) 10B and 12B exams at the middle school campus last Wednesday at 10:15 a.m. The AMC 10A and 12A exams, which...

The team poses outside the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. From left to right: Venkat Sankar (12), Rajiv Movva (11), Shaya Zarkesh (11), coach Gary Blickenstaff, Derek Yen (11), and Swapnil Garg (11).

Science Bowl team wins 2017 regionals

by Derek Yen, STEM Editor February 12, 2017

The school's Science Bowl team took first at the Science Bowl regional round held yesterday at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Science Bowl is a national quizbowl-style academic competition sponsored...

The three Regeneron Science Talent Search finalists from Harker, all seniors. From left to right: Manan Shah, Evani Radiya-Dixit, and Arjun Subramaniam.

Seniors named finalists in Regeneron Science Talent Search

by Prameela Kottapalli, Winged Post Asst. Features Editor January 31, 2017

Seniors Evani Radiya-Dixit, Manan Shah and Arjun Subramaniam were recognized as three of 40 finalists in the Regeneron Science Talent Search this past Tuesday, representing the most number of finalists...

Portrait of physicist Leon Foucault of Foucault Pendulum fame.

Foucault’s other work

by Rose Guan and Tiffany Wong, Winged Post Copy Editor and Co-News Editor January 31, 2017

French physicist Jean-Bernard-Leon Foucault is best remembered for giving his name to the Foucault pendulum, which he prominently displayed in 1851, but he also made several discoveries in optics and mechanics. Together...

The pendulum knocks pegs as it moves.

Foucault Pendulum

by Tiffany Wong and Rose Guan January 31, 2017

Walk into the Nichols Hall rotunda, and the first object that will meet your eyes is the immense pendulum swinging from the ceiling at the center of the room. The circular railing around the pendulum protects...

Global Reset: Holocene Extinction threatens biodiversity

Global Reset: Holocene Extinction threatens biodiversity

by Nicole Chen and Ruhi Sayana January 29, 2017

Over 65 million years ago, dinosaurs roamed this earth, yet their peaceful harmony ended when a meteor struck, creating a crater in the Yucatan Peninsula and bringing about a drastic fluctuation in climate...

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