Humans of Harker: Victor Shin lives colorfully
by Varsha Rammohan, Reporter
• March 21, 2018
!["During summer, I had an internship in [San Francisco], and I brought my junior mentality with me, so I was trying to be perfect and I was stressed about everything," Preethi Madabusi (12) said. "The manager sat me down and we had a performance review, so he was analyzing my performance and he said that I was a really hard worker but there was one thing I needed to fix, and that was that I needed to calm down. He said that I tried to be perfect and no one can be perfect. That's when I realized if other people can notice that about me, that's something I should really change."](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/PreethiMadabusi-MK-900x601.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Preethi Madabusi opens up during conversations
by Shreya Srinivasan, Reporter
• March 19, 2018

Humans of Harker: Shea Tuli’s dynamic background strengthens her connections with others
by Sara Yen, Reporter
• March 18, 2018

Humans of Harker: Vinny Vu creates his personal brand
by Devanshi Mehta, TALON Seniors Editor
• March 17, 2018

Humans of Harker: Jessica Susai finds her place in the chorus of voices
by Anoushka Buch, Reporter
• March 12, 2018
![“Nowadays, a lot of the times the way female characters are interpreted or written are sort of whiney," Jessie Skinner (12) said. "There’s only three things that they can be like: The fat best friend —been her, the nagging wife — been her also, or the super dumb blonde. . . These roles that are mostly portrayed as a not nice female word. [I believe in] bringing in these points of view that are ignored. You just have to find that the sliver of message in every show.”](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/JessieSkinner-DM-900x703.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Jessie Skinner imbues her plays with activism
by Gloria Zhang, Asst. Features Editor
• March 11, 2018

Humans of Harker: Alix Robinson-Guy embodies the rainbow
by Anvi Banga, Aquila Asst. News Editor
• March 10, 2018

Humans of Harker: Arindam Ghosh broadens his perspective
by Varsha Rammohan, Reporter
• March 9, 2018

Humans of Harker: Aman Ahluwalia lives large
by Zoe Sanders, Reporter
• March 8, 2018

Humans of Harker: Sushant Thyagaraj practices yoga to stay grounded
by Nilisha Baid, Reporter
• March 7, 2018

Humans of Harker: Jenna Sadhu embraces laughing out loud
by Meena Gudapati, Editor-in-Chief
• March 5, 2018
![“My first year, I was the only sophomore in [Downbeat]," Akhil Arun (12) said. "So it was kind of scary, I’m not going to lie. It took a little bit to grow comfort, but I think when you’re performing or in an ensemble group, it takes a good amount of trust to get out of your skin and not be afraid of getting judged when you’re trying out for solos and things like that. I never did any of that sophomore year because I was so in my head about getting judged. But after a certain point, you realize that these are all your friends and no one’s going to care.”](https://harkeraquila.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/AkhilArun-MK-900x596.jpg)
Humans of Harker: Akhil Arun breaks out of his comfort zone
by Emily Chen, Reporter
• March 4, 2018
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by Cynthia Xie, A&E/Lifestyle Assistant Editor
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