Co-president of the Indian Student Association Rayan Arya (12) opened the meeting by announcing a Bollywood night on March 15 from 5 to 8 p.m. The event is open to everyone and will feature food and musical performances that highlight the different subcultures of India.
Campus Life Associated Student Body committee members Rushil Jaiswal (12), Ananya Pradhan (11) and Nikhil Sharma (11) and Student Action Club president Savitha Satish (11) shared the available gluten-free options at lunch at Taste of Italy, Roast Works, Burgerland, the sandwich bar and the dessert station. Students with any dietary restrictions should speak to the kitchen staff for accommodations.
FEM Club officers Rithika Yamasani (12) and Sofia Shah (11) presented a series of Women’s History Month events, like their screening of the documentary “Zurawski v Texas,” a film about abortion access, on March 10, as well as a self-defense class taught by Sifu David Chang, founder and CEO of Wushu Central’s Kung Fu Kids, on March 12. A panel of teachers will discuss their experience as women in male-dominated fields on March 18, and there will be an open forum regarding Trump’s recent transgender athlete ban on March 20.
TEDxHarkerSchool curator Mindy Truong (11) highlighted the TEDx annual event featuring various speakers and activities next school year on Nov. 14. Students can apply for officer positions for the 25-26 school year until March 24.
AP Studio Art students Vika Gautham (12), Aanya Shah (11) and Sophie Yeh (10) announced the AP Art Exhibition, featuring the works of current AP Studio Art students, open until March 6 in Nichols Hall.
Sahngwie Yim (12) and Linda Zeng (11) shared details on the 19th annual Research Symposium on April 12, with the theme “AI Trends: The Future is Here.” There will be student presentations, keynote speakers, interactive workshops from various clubs, a science magic show and award-winning research presentations.
Green Team co-president Shreyas Chakravarty (12) and history department chair Mark Janda announced the screening of the documentary “Common Ground,” which explores regenerative farming as a solution to current environmental issues on March 7. The clothing swap, another Green Team sponsored event, is currently accepting donations through April 18 in the RPAC and back loading zones, and the clothing swap will be held from April 20 to April 22 in the RPAC lobby.
Conservatory representatives Maya Affaki (12), Ananya Das (12), Megha Unny (10), Hanz Baek (10) and Léa Kandl-Zhang (10) presented the awards of Harker Dance Company and Kinetic Krew from their recent competition Festival of Champions. Varsity HDC won first place in the Small Lyrical category, the junior varsity team placed second in Jazz and Kinetic Krew earned third place in Medium Hip Hop. Senior Yasmin Sudarsanam won fourth place in drill offs, a military-style event which she demonstrated while Maya called commands like faces and marching maneuvers.
Librarians Meredith Cranston and Amy Pelman introduced the 60 ReCreate reading books for 2025, which span genres like fantasy, science fiction, history, biography and comics. Students in grades 9 through 11 will select their books on March 18 at the end of advisory and meet with their ReCreate reading groups on April 8.
ASB President Sam Parupudi closed the meeting, announcing hot food for the juniors.