An unprecedented 122 students auditioned for the upper school Dance Production, ‘All You Need is Love,’ in the Patil Theater on Sept. 6 from 3:15-5:30. The performances will be held on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1.
Harker Dance Company captain Yasmin Sudarsanam (12) taught a routine to “Disturbia” by Rihanna. The choreography incorporated different styles to showcase several specialties like hip-hop and technical dancing while also demonstrating general proficiency. Students learned the choreography together and then auditioned in smaller groups. Dance teacher Jill Yager explained the placement progress, decided by dance teachers and student choreographers.
“We score them based on what we think will be best regarding level and style,” Yager said. “Trying to accommodate 122 people and their schedules, especially kids here at Harker who are doing so many different things, is difficult.”
Despite the challenges with placement, given the influx of dancers who auditioned, Yasmin expressed enthusiasm at the turnout and the quality of the dancers. She will be choreographing her own routine this year.
“It was so great seeing a bunch of seniors who’ve never done it before turn out and also so many new freshmen,” Yasmin said. “I’m really excited for rehearsals to start the week after next. As a student choreographer, I’m looking forward to getting my own routine and learning the music.”
Frosh Regina Zhang, who has been dancing since middle school, enjoyed learning the choreography from her peers. She noticed several differences between how dance auditions are conducted at the middle school compared to at the high school.
“The routine was taught way more quickly,” Regina said. “In middle school they would teach you one count of eight and then they’d repeat it and repeat it. In high school, they just teach it and you run it and then they move on.”
Kinetic Krew co-captain Nikhil Sharma (11) was unwell during auditions, so he helped play the music and ensure the event ran smoothly. Having auditioned for the past two years, he was able to view the show from the audience this time. Nikhil looks forward to seeing dancers’ performances in the January dress rehearsal.
“I’ve auditioned before but I was always dancing on stage so I never got to see it from this perspective,” Nikhil said. “It looks great together and it will be really exciting to see them in a couple of months’ time. Watching the performance at rehearsal week and the first show is awesome. Those are definitely the highlights of dance production.”