Upper school students and faculty commenced Homecoming Week by dressing up in their class themes, and students competed to build marshmallow-spaghetti towers in front of Manzanita Hall on Monday.
Students from each grade dressed up according to their class musical theme. Seniors wore green clothing and witch hats in spirit of “Wicked,” and juniors sported patriotic colors and colonial dress for “Hamilton.” Sophomores donned red, white and blue outfits for “High School Musical,” and frosh wore blue and white outfits and dresses for “Mamma Mia!”
Students who dressed in their class theme and checked in with Harker Spirit Leadership Team (HSLT) representatives in front of Manzanita Hall during lunch earned spirit points for their class. Teachers also joined in on the spirit with colorful outfits. Upper school math teacher and senior class adviser Bradley Stoll displayed his class spirit with green face paint.

“When I was in high school, we didn’t really have spirit weeks, but our school was spirited around sports,” Stoll said. “Here it’s not like that because [the students] are commuting and doing homework, but I think having some school spirit is an important part of community.”
Students also constructed towers using only marshmallows and spaghetti during lunch. Juniors Jia Jia Jiang, Sonia Yu and Tiana Salvi built the tallest, structurally-sound tower, earning gift cards from stores of their choice as their prizes.
“I participated in the marshmallow contest because I thought it would be fun, and it definitely was a fun and rewarding experience,” tower-building competitor Victoria Ma (10) said. “I got to make some new friends, and even though our tower fell, it was good to participate.”

HSLT coordinates Homecoming Week’s events, working behind the scenes to plan themes and dress-up days. HSLT President Arjun Moogimane (12) reflects on the significance of spirit in unifying all students and faculty.
“Spirit is really important because it’s for everyone,” Arjun said. “It shows that you’re a member of our community. [HSLT] puts on events for everyone, not just for a certain group of people. My favorite parts of spirit are the rallies where we have the entire school just up in one place all together.”