Upper school students celebrated Spirit Night on Thursday outside of Manzanita Hall from 3 to 5:30 p.m. to build class camaraderie and finalize homecoming preparations.
Harker Student Leadership Team (HSLT) hosts Spirit Night annually in an effort to cultivate school spirit through friendly competition. Spirit Night precedes Homecoming Week, which will include daily dress-up themes and a rally on Thursday.
Led by student artists, members of each grade finalized class eagles, which they had begun two weeks earlier, before the 5:30 p.m. deadline.

The designs of the class eagles were centered around each class’s chosen musical themes. Seniors painted their eagle black with sections of bright green in honor of their “Wicked” theme while juniors bedecked theirs in the colors of the American flag, inspired by “Hamilton.” Sophomores decorated their eagle with a lab coat and sports jersey to highlight their “High School Musical” theme, and frosh illustrated scenes from “Mamma Mia”. Judges will announce the results of the eagle painting competition during Homecoming Week next week.
“Everything from the tactile feeling of the lab coat and the variety of textural elements that we’ve included here [makes] our eagle stand out,” sophomore dean Meredith Cranston said. “We have a vibrant lip sync crew preparing a dance for us; our tug of war is really bringing strength this year. I can’t wait to see the hard work of all of the classes come to fruition.”
At a HSLT-run karaoke station, students and teachers sang songs like “Mamma Mia” by ABBA or “Dear Theodosia” from “Hamilton”. HSLT also served pizza, chips, candy and beverages throughout the afternoon to attendees.
“There was a lot more participation than we expected,” HSLT executive secretary Robert Fields (11) said. “[Spirit Night] brings a lot of people together. Especially for the eagle painters, it sort of gives them a reward for working so hard — we just want to show them that we appreciate them.”

In addition to encouraging enthusiasm surrounding class competition and school spirit, Spirit Night can be a welcome break from Harker’s academic pressures. Frosh Anika Basu commented on her and her friends’ enjoyment of Spirit Night activities.
“A lot of my friends sang karaoke, and I loved that,” Anika said. “I helped out with the freshman eagle painting and took way too much pizza. It’s been a very nice change from usual stress and a great way to end the week.”