AP Art Exhibits display pieces from 20 students

Sally Zhu

Shea Bryden (11) and Deeya Verma (9) attend the AP Art Exhibition’s lunch reception on March 8. Each student in the AP Art classes picked out and mounted five of their pieces for the exhibition.

by Sally Zhu, A&E and Lifestyle Editor

Walking into the Nichols Atrium on Tuesday, instead of being greeted by gray concrete walls and empty space, you’d walk into an absorbing two-story museum of artwork, artwork painting the Nichols walls red and yellow, dark and light, flat and three-dimensional, artwork all created by upper school students.

The AP Art Exhibitions opened on Mar. 4 in the Nichols Atrium, featuring five pieces of artwork each from 20 students that they created over the course of the year.

Art students from the AP Studio Art classes installed their work, part of their Sustained Investigation portfolios, last week in the upstairs and downstairs of the Nichols building, and they hosted a reception on March 8 during long lunch. The artwork in the exhibition will be on display until March 10.

The featured work covered four categories of artwork: Digital Media, Wet Media, Drawing and Spatial. The Digital Media category, taught by upper school Visual Arts Department Chair Josh Martinez, showcased pieces by Timothy Yen (11), Aniket Singh (11), Radha Mehta (11), Ashley Barth (12), Nageena Singh (12), Madeleine Hansen (12), Shreya Balakrishnan (11) and Smrithi Sambamurthy (11). Wet Media, taught by upper school visual arts teacher Pilar Aguero-Esparza, contained works by Nicole Arena (12), Sophia Shan (11), Kurtis Tong (11) and Angelina Yuzifovich (12). In Drawing, also taught by Aguero-Esparza, were pieces by artists Vivian Bi (11), Karina Chen (11), Sonya He (11), Linette Hoffman (11), Aastha Mangla (11) and Austina Xu (11). Spatial, taught by upper school visual arts teacher Brian Caponi, featured pieces by Shea Bryden (11) and Tara Ozdemir (12).

Upper school Latin teacher Clifford Hull gazes at the brightly colored sculpture pieces in junior Shea Bryden’s exhibition. Shea used thrifted materials to create sculpture work, including a metal dress, another piece of their portfolio. (Sally Zhu)

The students work on developing a twelve to fifteen piece portfolio for their AP submission, and selected five of their works to display in the exhibition. Shea Bryden (11) decided to use sculpture in their art pieces, which included a metal dress made out of thrifted materials and brightly colored wall-mounted pieces.

“Sculpture is my favorite medium by far,” Shea said. “A lot of my work is inspired by the materials that I find around me. Every piece of this came from thrift stores, or at least most of them, so it’s taking ideas I have and the materials I have and finding a way to combine them.”

During the reception on Tuesday, dozens of upper school students, teachers and parents visited the Nichols Atrium, enjoying cookies and cheesecake bites as they gazed at the artwork. Visitors could also ask the artists about their work, whether photography, painting or even an interactive light exhibit.

“It’s interesting getting to hear what people are saying as they look at my stuff, and then it’s also relatively personal, so everyone that reads it, knows it’s made by me,” Shea said. “[My peers] all did such an incredible job like everyone was so personal and like they had such strong messages and all this stuff, and it’s really incredible.”