AMC math competitions held virtually
The landing page for the online portal to take the AMC tests, hosted on the Art of Problem Solving (AoPS) website. Like previous years, all of the exams were 25 multiple choice questions to be completed in 75 minutes.
February 12, 2021
Upper school students could take the American Math Competitions (AMC) exams, on Feb. 4 and Feb. 10 respectively. All students at the upper school were eligible for the AMC 12 exams while only freshmen and sophomores were eligible for the AMC 10 exams.
Like previous years, all of the exams were 25 multiple choice questions to be completed in 75 minutes. The AMC 10 and AMC 12 both had multiple versions — A and B — which are intended to be identical in difficulty and question style.
Students could choose to take the exam anywhere from 5 A.M. to 8 P.M. Normally, Harker would create a special schedule to create one sitting of the AMC A exam. However, due to the 16-hour competition window, the school decided to allow students to take the exam at their own convenience.
All students can sign up for the AMC A every year. However, officers in the math club determine who is eligible for AMC B registration.
“AMC B is partly handled by math club where we determine which members are active according to their attendance at math club events and different competitions. Once we collate those names, Mr. Silk and Dr. Aiyer help register them,” co-vice president of math club Sidra Xu said.
To prevent cheating, students signed a certification form with a clause that an adult proctor is present. Additionally, upper school math department chair Anthony Silk offered his Zoom room to proctor the exam.
Throughout the year, the Math Club held practice sessions with the frequency of the meetings increasing just before the competitions.
“We offered a few practice sessions to help students who were interested. The weekend before the contest, all the officers opened up their Zoom rooms for students who wanted to just come in and chat about math,” Sidra said.