Upper school unlikely to return to campus soon but continues planning for senior activities
The upper school does not currently have definite plans for students and teachers to return to campus for in-person learning, but they are proceeding with preparations for the senior trip and graduation over the next few months.
January 25, 2021
Head of upper school Butch Keller wrote in an email with Harker Aquila that as long as Santa Clara County remains in the purple tier, and teachers are not vaccinated, the chances of returning to full in-person learning are “not very strong.” The purple tier, also known as Tier 1, is the most restrictive in California’s four-tier system and describes the virus as “widespread.”
“As the county shifts tiers, and vaccines become available, the discussion will change according to county guidelines,” Keller wrote. “In other words, I honestly don’t know because returning depends on so many variables beyond the school’s control.”
Keller said, however, that vaccines are a personal choice, and more definitive answers regarding them will come soon. He added that the school is moving forward with preparing for senior activities, such as graduation and the traditional trip to Laguna Beach.
“We are planning every detail as if the Senior activities including the Senior Trip are going to happen,” Keller wrote. “At this point I have no idea what any of this really looks like because I cannot predict the situations that I discussed above, but if we can do all of these activities safely and by the rules we are given, we will.”