Parent-teacher conferences held on first two days of break
Madame Pommier speaks with a student and her father during conferences. By inviting students to conferences, the school hopes to allow both students and parents to discuss questions and concerns in a group format to allow for further academic progress for students.
November 25, 2019
Students and parents convened on the upper school campus today for the first of two days of parent-teacher conferences. This year’s conferences began on Nov. 25 and continued on to Nov. 26, the first two official days of students’ Thanksgiving Break.
School was not held on these two days, but students were encouraged to accompany their parents to meet with their teachers to discuss their progress in the class as well as areas for future improvement.
Students will receive the week after conferences off for the Thanksgiving holiday, and school will reopen on Dec. 2, two weeks prior to the start of finals.

Parents sit in chairs outside of teachers’ classrooms in the Main Hallway while waiting for their respective conferences with their students’ teachers. Students and parents attended parent-teacher conferences today and can continue to do so tomorrow, receiving an opportunity to talk about progress and areas for improvement for the rest of the year.