Trick or treat: Zombies, princesses, and e-boys, oh my!
November 1, 2019
As the clock strikes 8 am on a crisp and windy Thursday morning, the perfect Halloween weather, students scramble into class, greeting each other with shouts of laughter as they view each other’s costumes. Like a wild fashion show, each new entrance sporting every homemade or store-bought costume imaginable earns a round of gleeful surprise from teachers and classmates alike.

Callie Mayer (10) and Maria Teplova (11) are one of many others who dressed up as characters Stitch and Lilo from the classic Disney movie Lilo and Stitch.

Anoushka Khatri (10) and Kavita Murthy (10) dress up as characters from Riverdale, a Netflix show based off of the Archie comics.

Juniors Sofia Fernandez, Emma Boyce, Emma-Leigh Stoll, and Hannah Grannis dress up as zombies, complete with touches of red paint and black accents.

Sophomores Nikela Hulton and Brooklyn Cicero dress up as classic Disney princesses Snow White and Cinderella. “We dressed up as Disney princesses because they’re our favorite characters, and dressing up as classics brings back good childhood memories,” Brooklyn said.
Vance Hirota (12) kneels on one knee, resting a bloody, devil-makeup face on one hand. Vance intricately painted his face in dark colors to portray realistic scars and cuts.
“I wanted to challenge myself artistically to express my artistic side," he said. "Last year I only did half of my face, and this year I did my whole face."

Freshmen Allison Zhu and Alexis Nishimura dress as a devil and angel in classic red and white for the costume. “Being an angel and a devil is an easy and costume that we haven’t done yet, since we’ve been doing group costumes together for years now,” Allison said.

Seniors Kaidi Dai, Allison Yen, Roma Gandhi, Katelyn Vo and Anu Selvaraj pose as holy poop emojis in self-made coordinating emoji shirts.