Talk Around Campus: Given the recent Florida shooting, what do you think needs to be done about gun control?
“The realistic ones would be a lot of the noncontroversial basics (ie. universal background checks to solve for the gunshow holes and whatnot and as well as more comprehensive background checks), so they would check more different categories. For example, maybe expanding a category to account for people who have been reported to the police as people who seem to be at risk to commit a mass shooting as was done with the Florida shooter because that policy has 97 percent support among the American public, and Donald Trump has expressed support for it, so I think that is realistically possible. There’s a lot of policies that are like this that are noncontroversial and would make a difference, but they don’t really solve the root of the problem, which is the guns themselves. No matter what we do, there are still people who will fall through the cracks that will pass background checks and still commit mass shootings. I’m thinking of the Las Vegas shooter who would pass every single background check. I also think we need to ban assault weapons entirely because we have done that in the past, and statistics show that there was a pretty significant decrease in the amount of deaths that were caused by shootings that immediately shot back up once the ban expired.” -Serena Lu (12)
March 2, 2018