2016-2017 AP exam weeks come to a close

Sophomores taking the AP World History exam collect their belongings after the conclusion of the testing period. Tests were held this year in the gymnasium, Nichols Atrium and Nichols Auditorium.
May 12, 2017
After two weeks of testing, the AP exam weeks of the 2016-2017 school year have finally come to a close with the conclusion of the AP European History and AP Latin exams.
There were two to four exams each day, divided into morning or afternoon sessions, out of the total of 30 AP exams that Harker offers. Most students prepared for their exams using class materials and textbooks. Self-studiers also used outside aids, such as Barron’s AP books and its practice tests.
AP exam takers were excused from their academic classes for the day of their test.
“I didn’t like taking the rest of the day off because I missed a lot of my classes, quizzes, tests and projects, so I needed to catch them up in my other time,” AP Environmental Science and AP Chinese exam test taker Emma Li (9) said.
For students with conflicts between other scheduled activities and AP exam dates, many will take a makeup test next week.