Humans of Harker: Grace Park pursues graphic design

Melissa Kwan

“At this point, it’s hard for me to think about what life would’ve been if I hadn’t happened to ask my parents for an art tablet because it’s led me to making new friends and pretty much set me on the “art” path I’m on right now. I’d probably have no idea what I would want to do at college and after if it weren’t for it to be honest,” Grace Park (12) said.

by Ria Gupta, Reporter

After wanting to recreate the pictures she saw online as a child, Grace Park (12) began to love art and graphic design.

“I’ll always remember that first piece of digital art I did when I was like 12 or 11. And I want to burn it, but I will think of it fondly as the beginning,” she said.

Despite the challenges she has had to overcome, Grace enjoys seeing the end result of whatever she creates.

“I totally like seeing the finished result, like finally, got it.” Grace said.

Grace’s interests can be seen through her favorite class, AP Computer Science class and the plethora of art classes that she has chosen to take. 

Sports has also played an important part in Grace’s life as she competitively plays volleyball and softball.

“[Sports has taught me] to not give up, and have fun with what you’re doing instead of focusing on winning or losing,” she said. “That’s when things start to suck.

However, because of her artistic interests, Grace wants to pursue either animation or graphic design in the future.

“Whenever I watch a movie, it’s similar to when I was a kid, I just look at the pretty pictures and I go ‘ooh’ and ‘aah.’ I want to be able to create something like that, that makes people ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ at it,” Grace said.

Grace describes herself as quiet and shy among people she does not quite know as well but loud among her friends. She’s also passionate about the things she likes.

“If I can just be remembered as maybe funny and maybe kinda cool [and] kinda chill, then I think I’d be pretty okay with that.” Grace said.